Saturday, February 27, 2021

When the hermeneutic of continuity is mentioned is it continuity with extra ecclesiam nulla salus interpreted with or without exceptions, Athanasius Creed with or without exceptions, the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX with or without exceptions, the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance visible or invisible

 When the hermeneutic of continuity is mentioned is it continuity with extra ecclesiam nulla salus interpreted with or without exceptions, Athanasius Creed with or without exceptions, the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX with or without exceptions, the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance visible or invisible ? If the baptism of desire is interpreted as being visible then the Catechism of the Council of Trent contradicts Feeneyite EENS ( EENS with no exceptions).But if the baptism of desire refers to invisible cases then the Catechism of the Council of Trent is not a rupture with EENS( with no exceptions).

If being saved in invincible ignorance refers to visible examples of salvation outside the Church then the Catechism of Pope Pius X contradicts EENS, the Athanasius Creed etc. But if it refers to only invisible  cases then there is no rupture with the past. 

So when he refer to the hermeneutic of continuity we need to specify if it is a Magisterial document interpreted with or without the false premise.- Lionel Andrades

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