Sunday, February 21, 2021

When Pope Francis said everyone had to accept Vatican Council II Massimo Faggioli criticised the traditionalists : But now we know that there is a Vatican Council II without the fake premise, which he has not used most of his life, like Pope Francis


When Pope Francis said everyone  had to accept Vatican Council II Massimo Faggioli criticised the traditionalists implying they had to accept Vatican Council II with the false premise and emerge liberals like him. But now we know that there is a Vatican Council II without the fake premise, which he has not used most of his life, like Pope Francis. There is also now a rational interpretation of the Council before Pope Francis and Faggioli.There is also a new interpretation of the Council before the traditionalists.

So the 55 year old liberal-traditionalist division is now fading.All are conservative who interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise. The Council is in harmony with the Athanasius Creed and there being exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.The conservative Catholics  must now continue to support Catholic orthodoxy.

Liberalism, or even sedevacantism based upon Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise, is obsolete.-Lionel Andrades

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