Wednesday, February 10, 2021

When you read the past Magisterium on this subject, and keep in mind the difference between speculative and practical theology, all those quotations on EENS on Wikipedia support the St. Benedict Center, NH.


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While I would have serious disagreements with 'Jack' on his comment about Biden being a "decent fellow' compared to Trump some days ago, or 'Jacks' favorable sentiments towards PF, he is correct on the proper interpretation of 'extra ecclesiam nulla salus'.

Since Scripture [Epistle of St. Peter] says 'no personal interpretation' of the faith is permissible, I therefore spent a few hours checking out the true meaning of 'extra ecclesiam nulla salus' per what our Catholic Church authority had to say on the matter over time. The Official Catholic references below [there are more] all indicate that a 'strict' Feeneyite interpretation is not permissible, and that under certain conditions & situations [will have to read them on your own folks, don't have time or space here] one certainly can be saved outside formal membership in the Church.

The following agree that is the case:

Pope Pius IX's 1863 encyclical 'Quanto conficiamur moerore'

Pope Pius XII, 1943 Mystici Corporis and his 1949 protocol

VII, Lumen Gentium #16

JPII, 1990 encyclical 'Redemptoris Missio'

Catechism of the Catholic Church, #846-7

Lionel: The references from Wilipedia cite the popes and saints affirming the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

All need to be members of the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

However there are also references which mention the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance which can only be hypothetical and theoretical cases. So they never were, nor are, practical exceptions to the dogma EENS. 

All need faith and baptism for salvation says Vatican Council II (AG 7) and there are no known practical exceptions for us human beings.There are none mentioned in the Council-text.

So when you read the past  Magisterium on this subject, and keep in mind the difference between speculative and practical theology, all those quotations on EENS on Wikipedia, support the St. Benedict Center, NH. 

-Lionel Andrades


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