Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Winters can no more claim that the Council has done away with the past. It is the false premise which has done away with the past.Vatican Council can be interpreted without the error. Why should a Catholic interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and create a rupture with the past -the popes and saints ? This is pre and post Vatican Council theology which the false premise creates and not Vatican Council II in itself

 Winters can no more claim that the Council has done away with the past. It is the false premise which has done away with the past.Vatican Council can be interpreted without the error. Why should a Catholic interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and create a rupture with the past -the popes and saints ? This is pre and post Vatican Council theology which the false premise creates and not Vatican Council II in itself.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 17, 2021

What is the National Catholic Reporter, Crux and The Tablet going to be without Vatican Council II ? They can no longer quote the Council using a false premise. The Council does not contradict Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus, an ecumenism of return and the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24 Q, 27Q)

 FEBRUARY 17, 2021

Winters simply refers to Vatican Council II, in other words, Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise

 FEBRUARY 16, 2021

The Council is the Magisterium of the Church when the Council is interpreted without the false premise and does not contradict the past Magisterium on EENS, Athanasius Creed etc. When the Council is interpreted with a false premise, as is the interpretation of the present two popes, it is human error and is not inspired by the Holy Spirit

FEBRUARY 16, 2021

Michael Sean Winters is unethical.He interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise even after knowing there is a rational alternative.It would make him a Feeneyite

 FEBRUARY 16, 2021


The books on Vatican Council II reviewed by the National Catholic Reporter (NCR) were all written with a false premise. So their conclusion was false. This is not denied by the NCR correspondents. The books written by Fr. James Wicks s.j , Paul Lakeland and Massimo Faggioli are in this category

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