Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Conservative meltdown

 The web blog Rorate Caeili is not writing the truth about Vatican Council II and yet is quoting Cardinal Robert Sarah asking priests to speak the truth.

Is there a concept of mortal sin for Rorate ? No. He does not mention it directly.

Is there a concept of Vatican Council II interpreted without a false premise ? No. He does not mention it directly.

It is the same with Michael Matt.He will criticize Pope Francis but he will not affirm the Faith directly.

It is the same with Louie Verrecchio.

It is the same with Michael Virus. He will not talk about Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise.Since then he would have to affirm Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).He denied it with the report by Jim Russell,'Fr.Feeney's Strange Doctrine'. -Lionel Andrades

MARCH 2, 2021

Lefebvrists have no problem with the Council officially, they are on the same side as the liberals

 The problem is no more Vatican Council II and it never was Vatican Council II. The problem is that every one is looking after his or her own interest including those at the web blog Rorate Caeili.

The liberals and Lefebvrists interpreted Vatican Council II falsely for 55 years and now after they have been informed they want to continue to use the false premise , so that they do not have to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Athanasius Creed, the Catechism of Pope Pius X and the rest of Tradition which will make them politically incorrect.

Roberto dei Mattei has posted a piece on Vatican Council II on Rorate Caeili commenting on Pope Francis' statement, saying that all need to accept the Council to be in the Church. He did not state in that article that he will interpret Vatican Council II, with a false premise, just like Pope Francis. The Lefebvrists have no problem with the Council officially. They are on the same side as the liberals.

-Lionel Andrades




"Springtime for Vatican II and Italy! Italia is happy and gay!"
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Father V
“A recent study hypothesizes that in Flanders the last monastery will close in 2030. In Italy, if the current decrease is maintained, the last convent will close in 2046!"

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