Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Could a new discovery about Vatican Council II change the voting pattern in Catholic France ?


Macron and Le Pen in France interpret Vatican Council II with a fake premise to create a rupture with Catholic theology of France in the Middle Ages.Will a new discovery about Vatican Council II change the voting pattern in Catholic France ?

Practising Catholics who voted for Fellon would appreciate the Catholic Church going back to Tradition. They simply have to interpret the Council without the fake premise and it is back to Catholic doctrine of the 15th century.1

Traditional Catholics voted for Fellon in a Church divided with liberalism based upon a false interpretation of Vatican Council II. Now it is clear that  the Council can be interpreted in harmony with Tradition and there is no theological opening for the liberalism of the last 55 years.2

-Lionel Andrades


According to a recent poll, only 42 percent of Fillon voters plan to vote Macron in the runoff, versus 31 percent for Le Pen; 27 percent either have not made up their mind or plan to stay home. Not all Fillon voters are Catholics, of course, but the Fillon vote overlaps with a lot of practicing Catholics. Forty-four percent of Mass-going Catholics voted for Mr. Fillon in the first round, according to a Harris Interactive poll, and 68 percent of practicing Catholics voted for a candidate who is not in the runoff, reports the Catholic magazine La Vie.



But Francois Fillon showed in November that there were still lots of votes to win on the right when he swept the primary of the Republicans — the main conservative party — by openly appealing to traditional Catholics angered by the Socialist government’s legalization of same-sex marriage in 2013.

His unexpected primary victory made him look like the probable next president. But his campaign soon became mired in a series of financial scandals that unsettled Catholics originally attracted by his Mr. Clean image.



FEBRUARY 28, 2021

Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Trisulti, Italy has still to call for the non separation of the Catholic Church and State in France affirming Catholic theology based upon Vatican Council II interpreted rationally

 Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Trisulti, Italy has still to call for the non separation of the Catholic Church and State in France with the interpretation of  Vatican Council II without the false premise, so affirming the strict itnterpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS),which is the theological basis for the  and the non separation of Church and State and the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics. -Lionel Andrades

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