Saturday, March 6, 2021

For some 56 years a false premise was used to interpret Vatican Council II and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican and the CDF did not correct the error. Now after so many years the CDF is still not making the needed-announcement

 For some 56 years a false premise was used to interpret Vatican Council II and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican and the CDF  did not correct the error. Now after so many years  the CDF is still not making the needed-announcement. 

Similarly 72 years have passed and the CDF has still to announce that there was an objective and factual mistake in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949. For political reasons the CDF keeps silent.

After some 19 years the excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney was lifted. He was not asked to recant. The Church acknowledged its mistake. He recited the Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation. He was accepted back in the Catholic Church.

Yet after some 72 years the CDF still has to announce that there was a mistake in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case. The Jesuit priest  was correct and the Archbishop of Boston and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949, Vatican were wrong.

Similarly 56 years have passed and the CDF still has to announce that there was a mistake at Vatican Council II. The Council does not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS and Tradition. - Lionel Andrades

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