Saturday, March 6, 2021

Pope Benedict did not tell Father Servais that Vatican Council II can be interpreted rationally, without the common error after 1965. Why should I interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise ? This would be dishonest. I have a rational and traditional choice

Pope Benedict gave an interview to the  Belgian Jesuit, Jacques Servais, director of the Casa Balthasar in Rome. Father Servais was under Cardinal Ratzinger from 1985-1990 an official in the CDF and from 1993-1996, the professor of dogmatic theology at the Institute of John Paul II. in Rome. He has published works on Cardinal Newman, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Adrienne von Speyr.1

Pope Benedict did not tell Father Servais that Vatican Council II can be interpreted rationally, without the common error after 1965.

Why should I interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise ? This would be dishonest. I have a rational and traditional choice.-Lionel Andrades


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