Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Taylor Marshall , Peter Kwasniewski and the SSPX interpret St.Thomas Aquinas irrationally


St.Thomas Aquinas did not project speculative cases ( baptism of desire, invncible ignorance etc) as being objective exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and Tradition. Taylor Marshall and Peter Kwasniewski  do so. They interpret Aquinas irrationally.So does the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX).

SSPX priests interpret St. Thomas Aquinas irrationally and then criticize Fr. Leonard Feeney for allegedly contradicing Aquinas. For Taylor Marshall, Peter Kwasniewski and the SSPX,  unknown cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance are objective exceptions for Aquinas strict interpretation of EENS.

They also interpret invincible ignorance, irrationally and then claim that the Catechism of Pope Pius X contradicts Fr. Leonard Feeney, when it mentions invincible ignorance but also supports the strict interpretation of EENS ( 24Q ,27Q). - Lionel Andrades

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