Saturday, March 6, 2021

The editors and contributors of the book Defending the Faith Against Present Heresies are interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and the result is heresy


The editors and contributors of the book Defending the Faith Against Present Heresies  are interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise  and the result is heresy.

Pope Farncis has publically cited Vatican Council II ( with the premise )  for his theological and doctrinal changes.He has been honest.

Cardinal Kasper has said in public that if Vatican Council II ( with the premise ) can change the ecclesiology; the understanding of different aspects of the Catholic Church,  then why cannot the Eucharist be given to the divorced and remarried. In public he cites Vatican Council II with the fake premise and none of the Lefebvrists  dare object.

He means if Vatican Council II can be interpreted heretically by the contributors to the book -familiar names,Lefebvrists, then why cannot heresy and schism be the official norm ? Why can it not be  magisterial when there are no specific objections ? The Lefebvrists agree that the Council( with the premise) is a rupture with Tradition. This is exactly what the liberals have been saying all these years.

The Lefebvrists are not saying interpret the Council without the false premise.

I have mentioned these points over the years, with reference to the many   petitions to Pope Francis from Life Sites News and others. But no one wants to acknowledge what I say or discuss it. They know the consequences- but then so does  Pope Francis and Pope Benedict .So both groups are prudent.

So why  produce  a book like this? The traditionalists are in a sense in the same boat.

The  Angelus, Catholic Identity,Lepanto, Lake Garda and other Lefebvrist conferences are respecting the same heretical rot on Vatican Council II.

None of them want to interpret the Council rationally and with the fake premise.

None of the speakers and writers want to avoid this heresy since they will have to affirm Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus and it will cost them their media, careers and other personal needs and interests. - Lionel Andrades

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