Sunday, March 14, 2021

We cannot separate Jesus from salvation in the Catholic Church.This has to be taught to Catholic children

 Catholic children are being taught  that the Catholic Church teaches that there is salvation outside the Church and Vatican Council II is being pointed out to them. This is false.The reference to salvation  outside the Church in Vatican Council II, are to things hoped for, they are speculative and theoretical and are not references to real people in the present times.So they do not contradict Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II,   when it states all need  faith and baptism, for salvation.It does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the Athanasius Creed  which says all need to be Catholic for salvation. We cannot separate Jesus from salvation in the Catholic Church.This has to be taught to Catholic children. - Lionel Andrades

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