Tuesday, March 2, 2021

We don't need to make the Novus Ordo Mass Latin or Greek.

 From Fr. John Zuhlsdorf's blog.

I’ve had conversations that go along sort of like this:

“The Novus Ordo can be reverent!”, many will claim, “You just have to celebrated it as traditionally as you can!”

“You mean, by sticking to the Roman style, adapting elements of the traditional Mass, gestures, and so forth?”, you respond.

“Right! Make the Novus Ordo like the Traditional Latin Mass and it’s pretty good, all in all!”

“If that is what it takes,” you muse aloud, “if the more the Novus Ordo is like the traditional Mass the more reverent is seems, then why not just use the Traditional Mass?”

“Well… you see… it’s like… ummmm… you, know, Scripture and… things….”

That serves merely as an intro.

Lionel: I can think of an extraordinary reverent Holy Mass in Italian. It was offered by Fr. Giovanni Manelli f.I .it was at the church of the Annunziata, Lungotevere, Rome, near the Vatican.This still is the church of the Franciscans of the Immaculate.

Fr. Giovanni is one of the priests who offers the Novus Ordo and Latin Mass.

We don't need to make the Novus Ordo Mass-  Latin or Greek. -Lionel Andrades

Fr. Hunwicke asks a hard question. Fr. Z thinks he deserves an answer.


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