Thursday, April 15, 2021

Benjamin Harnwell and Steve Bannon could call attention to religious discrimination : Carthusians do not have a right to the property in the present times under the DHI tenure

 Just thinking aloud.

Benjamin Harnwell has been paying an annual rent of 100 thousand euros per month and now he could claim religious discrimination and so object to the Carthusians and Bishop Lorenzo Loppa occupying the Trisulti Monastary.

1) The bishop and the Carthusians use a false premise to interpret Magisterial documents which create an artificial rupture with Tradition. So they are favored by the Leftist government.If they did not use the false premise they would be traditionalists and would not be supported by the Left.

2) Since they use the false premise officially this is deception. It is promoting a false hood. This is not permitted by Italian law. 

3) Since they use the false premise, inference and conclusion, they are favored by the Italian government in a non separation of leftist State and Church. The Italian government reportedly gives Alberto Melloni's Bologna School over a million euros. He interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, like the Carthusians and Bishop Loppa.

4) There are leftist laws which oppose religious discrimination. Harwell could announce that he chooses to interpret Vatican Council II, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Creeds and Catechisms of the Catholic Church without the false premise and this is his Catholic religious belief and not that of the Carthusians and Bishop Lorenzo Loppa. -Lionel Andrades

APRIL 15, 2021

Steve Bannon and Benjamin Harnwell must recognise that this is a religious issue

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