Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Fr.Matthew Mason, is the Director of Vocations in the diocese of Manchester, USA.He approves candidates who only interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise

Fr.Matthew Mason, is the Director of Vocations in the diocese of Manchester, USA.He approves candidates who only interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise. This is the official policy of Bishop Peter Libasci, bishop of Manchester, Fr. Georges de Laire, Judicial Vicar and Meredity Cook, Chancellor. This is also the policy of the diocescan Francicans and Carmelites and other religious communities men and women, in New Hampshire. - Lionel Andrades

Here is the interpretation of Vatican Council II by the Diocese of Manchester, USA ( in red).

Fake premise

Lumen Gentium 8,Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16 etc in Vatican Council II refer to physically visible cases in 1965-2021.

Fake inference
They are objective examples of salvation outside the Church.

Fake conclusion
Vatican Council II contradicts the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).The Athanasius Creed(outside the Church there is no salvation) and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX ( ecumenism of return) were made obsolete.

Here is my interpretation of Vatican Council II in blue.

Rational Premise
LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc in Vatican Council II refer to physically invisible cases in 1965-2021.They are only hypothetical and theoretical. They exist only in our mind and are not solid bodies at Newton's level of time, space and matter.

Rational Inference
They are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church for us human beings.

Rational Conclusion
Vatican Council II does not contradict EENS as it was interpreted by the Jesuits in the Middle Ages.It does not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS of St. Thomas Aquinas( saved in invincible ignorance is invisible), St. Augustine and Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.
The Letter of the Holy Office(Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) 1949 made an objective mistake.


APRIL 13, 2021

Bishop Steven J.Lopes interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion.He would also be interpreting the Creeds and Catechisms with the same irrationality. This is an irregular issue. It is a canonical issue : he excommunicated Fr. Vaughn Treco for supporting Tradition and opposing the false interpretation of Vatican Council II


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