Thursday, April 15, 2021

Germans are reading this blog! : German theologians have finally noticed that something is wrong at home?


Is there a new interest among the German theologians, in a new, new theology which really is old ?. They are reading this blog in big numbers. 

It was not like this a few months back. 

Most of the readers were always from the USA. Now it is Germany, for over two months.

German theology is in a zero state.Since they have interpreted Vatican Council II and the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance with the false premise, inference and conclusion.

So they have a false version of the Council being taught at the universities.Students write their thesis with this irrational interpretation of the Council.

Without the false premise however  there can be no liberalism in German theology.

Even the big names in German theology have made the same mistake.

New books have to be written which interpret Vatican Conncil II rationally and in harmony with the past ecclesiology of the Catholic Church in Germany.It is the only rational option available.. -Lionel Andrades

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