Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Holy Mass in Latin (TLM), Greek (Byzantine) and Italian (Novus Ordo) in all Rites in different countries, is being offered with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II, the Creeds, Catechisms and other Magisterial documents : this is an impediment


Holy Mass in Latin (TLM), Greek (Byzantine) and Italian (Novus Ordo) in all Rites in different countries, is being offered with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II, the Creeds, Catecisms and other Magisterial documents.

A false premise is used.

They employ the red and not the blue passages.This would be an impediment to offering Holy Mass.

How could Holy Mass in the 16th century be offered by a priest who changes the understanding of the Creeds or who has an alternate interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus or projects the old Catechisms as contradicting each other, since being saved in invincible ignorance would refer to known people saved outside the Catholic Church ? - -Lionel Andrades

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