Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Gregorian Mass is not a Mass in Latin


The Gregorian Mass is being made available in Rome.They are not in Latin but Italian and similar to the Novus Ordo Mass, which I attend. A few churches I noticed have invited parishioners, who are interested,even if their numbers are few, to contact the Parish Priest.

The churches do not make this announcement for the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM).

History of Gregorian Masses

Gregorian Masses take their name from Saint Gregory the Great, who was sovereign Pontiff from 590 to 604. St. Gregory the Great contributed to the spread of the pious practice of having these Masses celebrated for the deliverance of the souls from purgatory. In his Dialogues, he tells us that he had Masses on thirty consecutive days offered for the repose of the soul of Justus, a monk who had died in the convent of St. Andrew in Rome. At the end of the thirtieth Mass, the deceased appeared to one of his fellow monks and announced that he had been delivered from the flames of Purgatory.


At the monastery of St. Gregory the Great in Rome the priest who offered Mass did not face the people.Also he did not project the baptism of desire as being an exception to traditional outside the Church there is no salvation.

Now if a priest does not project Lumen Gentium 16 (invincible ignorance ) as being an  exception to the Athanasius Creed ( no salvation outside the Church), he will not be allowd to offer Holy Mass here.

For then he would be saying that non Catholics are outside the Church.So they are on  the way to Hell.They are not worthy to receive the Eucharist.

Pope John Paul II mentioned conditions for receiving the Eucharist. St. Paul tells us to receive the Eucharist worthly. -Lionel Andrades

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