Saturday, May 22, 2021

Ambassadors of Hungary and Poland address March for Life gathering in Rome. : Lega and Fratelli Italia politicians participate and send messages of support

 The Ambassadors of Hungary and Poland to the Holy See addressed the gathering at the March for Life event held in Rome a few hours back.There were messages of support from Italian politicians including Matteo Salvini.Some of the Lega politicians were present. Also present was his Eminence Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke.The event which was orderly and organised was held peacefully despite tension in the city.There were participants today at the March for Life from all over Italy.

A sit against abortion planned for the evening by the Catholic political organisation Forza Nuova was cancelled by the Mayor and the authorities.

The Mayor who prohibits photos of aborted babies, called the Forza Nuova fascists.She took exception to one of their posters in the city criticsl of her.

A leftist group however was allowed to have their protest in the afternoon at Piazza Republica today.

Over one million Italians are killed every year through abortion.Contraceptives are available over the counter and  outside pharmaceutical stores.Abortions are officially done in Rome at public hospitals and private clinics.-Lionel Andrades

Marcia per la Vita era in diretta.
3 h

via dei Fori Imperiali - Roma


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