Thursday, May 13, 2021

Do you love Jesus? The Catholic Church needs you ! (Video)


May 11, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — 2021 has been a whirlwind of a year for the church, so much so that today I wanted to reach out in a special way to all of LifeSite's non-Catholic readers and supporters. Firstly, I want to thank you for all you've done in the battle for life and family. There are thousands of spirit-filled Christians across the world that have given me so much inspiration, especially those I've been privileged to work with in the battle for life and family. for you non-Catholic soldiers for Christ that I wanted to reach out to you and beg you to consider coming home to the Catholic Church. For one thing your ardent faith and willingness to defend the truths of Christ are sorely needed in the battle for the soul of the Catholic Church that is raging today.

It is precisely because of the great respect, love and admiration that I have for you non-Catholic soldiers for Christ that I wanted to reach out to you and beg you to consider coming home to the Catholic Church. For one thing your ardent faith and willingness to defend the truths of Christ are sorely needed in the battle for the soul of the Catholic Church that is raging today.

But more than that, you are such good and Christ-loving people. You deserve the riches of the Catholic faith much more than a sinner like me. 

So I've tried to put together this show to explain from a Biblical perspective one of the most troubling aspects of Catholicism for most non-Catholic Christians... namely Mary the Mother of Jesus.

I explain in this episode with Scriptural backing why Catholics call Mary their Mother, why Catholics have statues of Mary in their Churches, and much more.

Please watch this very important episode of The John-Henry Westen Show for more on the Catholic teaching on Mary. You can also read the show's transcript below. Please know that you are in my prayers.


Do you love Jesus? The Catholic Church needs you!

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