Saturday, May 22, 2021

Repost : Bishop Robert Barron is as obsolete as Archbishop Lefebvre on Vatican Council II. This is not observed by Massimo Faggioli whose books on the Council were written with the same false premise, inference and rational conclusion, common among the liberals and Lefebvrists


MAY 16, 2021

Bishop Robert Barron is as obsolete as Archbishop Lefebvre on Vatican Council II. This is not observed by Massimo Faggioli whose books on the Council were written with the same false premise, inference and rational conclusion, common among the liberals and Lefebvrists


Bishop Robert Barron is as obsolete as Archbishop Lefebvre on Vatican Council II. This is not observed by Massimo Faggioli whose books on the Council were written with the same false premise, inference and rational conclusion, common among the liberals and Lefebvrists.

There is a commentary on Bishop Barron's book on Vatican Council II, for the National Catholic Reporter, by Massimo Faggioli.Faggioli does not mention that without the false premise the Council is not a break with Tradition. So there would be no traditional-progressivist division.

Also Vatican Council II would no more be an issue for the 'rad trads'.Since without the false premise in the interpretation of the Council, Barron and Faggioli would be affirming Tradition.Their would be no theological basis for their progressivism.

We no more have to be 'anti-Vatican Council II'. We simply avoid the false premise and the Council is traditional.

We now know how to switch the hermeneutic of continuity or rupture, on or off, at will.We have discovered the secret.

 So even the  Wojtyla-Ratzinger interpretation of the council is obsolete. It does not have a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition.

When the Council does not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS, religious liberty,like ecumenism is no more a controversial issue.There can be no New Ecumenism for Faggioli and Barron, when the Council is interpreted with the rational premise and inference and the conclusion emerges traditional.Sicne then there would be no known salvation outside the Church. There would be no known exceptions to exclusive salvation in the Church.

 At the same time, Levering also tries to highlight the continuity between Dignitatis Humanae, the Vatican II document on religious freedom, which is not published in the volume, and the Syllabus of Errors by Pius IX (1864), which denied religious liberty to non-Catholics (among other things).

The Syllabus of Errors refers to a Catholic Confessional State, when the teaching can be implemented. It could refer to a secular state in which the Catholic theology, for Catholics, is ecclesiocentric.The priority would be faith and baptism in the Catholic Church.Since outside the Church there would be no salvation, as taught by Vatican Council, interpreted rationally.

Vatican Council II does not contradict the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church, which was the theological basis for the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King.The priority would be a Catholic Confessional State. There would be no  separation of Church and the Catholic State. This is another way of looking at the religious liberty issue.

For example, a quotation from Cardinal Robert Sarah explains that the polemical target of this operation is not really a defense of Vatican II, but a defense of an idea of Catholic doctrine as absence of change: "Those who make sensational announcements of change and rupture are false prophets. They do not seek the good of the flock. They are mercenaries who have been smuggled into the sheepfold. Our unity will be forged around the truth of Catholic doctrine. There are no other means."

Precisely.There are no new doctrines when we are back to the old ecclesiology,without throwing out Vatican Council II.So we can affirm 16th century EENS and also Vatican Council II, interpreted rationally.

It is also misleading to say that "the same magisterium that gave us the ecumenical council of Vatican II also gave us Pope Benedict XVI's motu proprio [Summorum Pontificum on the 'traditional Latin Mass']," almost implying that the teaching of a general council like Vatican II and the motu proprio of a pope are on the same level of authority.

Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise is not Magisterial. There is no new revelation in the Church to suggest that the Holy Spirit wants a break with the past Magisterium.There cannot be a new revelation created with a fake premise.

So only when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally and in harmony with the past Magisterium, it is non schismatic and is Magisterial today.Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise is heretical. It contradicts the Athanasius Creed etc.It is not Magisterial.

A book like this tries, with commendable courage, to take a stand against radical traditionalists (finally!). But at the same time, it functions as a symptom of the crisis that made "rad-trads" emerge in the first place

The book has not dealt with the issue of  Vatican Council II interpreted with or without the false premise.So there could be two interpretations of Lumen Gentium 16.

Word on Fire has been informed about their error,many times. There is no comment or denial. Bishop Barron received the Templeton Foundation grant since he interpreted the Council with the false premise. There is no apology.He continues with the deception.If Bishop Barron interpreted Vatican Council II without the false premise and announced it in public 'the rad trads' would welcome the decision.He would be one of them.-Lionel Andrades


MAY 21, 2021

Cardinal Raymond Burke , Lefebvrists in practical schism

 Summorum Pontificum approved Holy Mass in Latin but it was only allowed to be offered  by a priest who accepted the New Ecclesiiology created with the irrational interpretation of the baptism of desire, invincible ignorance, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms.

This is how Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke offers Holy Mass.It is the same with Bishop Athanasius Schneider.

A Catholic can attend the Latin Mass as a Cushingite or Feeneyite.A Cushingite is someone  who interprets Magisterial documents with a false premise and a Feeneyite is someone who avoids this error with a rational interpretation.

A Catholic can also affirm the four marks of the Church as a Cushingite or Feeneyite. We can also recite the Profession of Faith as a Cushingite or Feeneyite and our conclusion will be different.It would be the same for the Oath of a Bishop or the Oath Against Modernism.

One is orthodox and the other modernist.

Lefebvrists are generally Cushingite. The liberals are also Cushingite. The New Theology depends upon Cushingism.

For the traditionalists, EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors can be either Feeneyite or Cushingite.There are the traditionalists at the St. Benedict Centers and those of the SSPX.

Lefebvrists are modernists who make Magisterial documents obsolete.They are in practical schism and heresy.Yet they are called 'traditionalists'-Lionel Andrades


MAY 20, 2021

Pope Paul VI also used the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and so is not Magisterial on the Council. : Massimo Faggioli still interprets Vatican Council II with a fake premise.This is unethical


Massimo Faggioli is still writing reports for the media in which he interprets Vatican Council II with a fakse premise.This is unethical. A professor of theology at an American university, he cannot reconcile himself with the truth.Like Pope Francis  he interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and non traditional conclusion

He  cites Pope Paul VI who also used the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II. He had a choice. So Pope Paul VI 's interpretation of Vatican Council II is not Magisterial. It has an objective error.

That error can be corrected by Pope Francis and Pope Benedict. They can choose to interpret the Council with the rational premise, inference and conclusion. There will then be no rupture with Tradition. - Lionel Andrades

Whose synodality? Social alliances and institutional models in global Catholicism




A new threshold in the wake of Vatican II

8. The fruits of the renewal promised by Vatican II in its promotion of ecclesial communion, episcopal collegiality and thinking and acting ‘synodally’ have been rich and precious. There is, however, still a long way to go in the direction mapped out by the Council[13]. In fact, today the drive to find an appropriate form for a synodal Church – although it is widely shared and has been put into practice in positive ways – seems to be in need of clear theological principles and decisive pastoral orientations.

9. Hence the new threshold that Pope Francis invites us to cross. In the wake of Vatican II, following in his predecessors footsteps, he insists that synodality describes the shape of the Church that emerges from the Gospel of Jesus, which is called to become incarnate today in history, in creative fidelity to Tradition.

In conformity with the teaching of Lumen Gentium, Pope Francis remarks in particular that synodality "offers us the most appropriate framework for understanding the hierarchical ministry itself”[14] and that, based on the doctrine of the sensus fidei fidelium[15], all members of the Church are agents of evangelisation[16]. Consequently making a synodal Church a reality is an indispensable precondition for a new missionary energy that will involve the entire People of God.


MAY 20, 2021

Confirmation class in Rome based on Vatican Council II interpreted with the fake premise is approved by Cardinal Tobin : St. Patricks church for the American community

 The Vigil Mass on Saturday May 15,2021 was cancelled at the St. Patricks church for the American  community in Rome, since there was the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation with students of the St. Patick's Religious Education program.All the students, like their teachers and the seminarians and deacons from the North American College, Rome, interpret Vatican Council II with the fake premise to reject Catholic Tradition. It is official.The church is managed by the Paulist Fathers.

The minimum age for First Communion is 8 years old and the Third Grade (by the first day of class - American system) and for Confirmation it is 14 years old and the Ninth Grade (by the first day of class). We will also be increasing the homework for the weeks in between the classes. The Confirmation class (age 14+) contributes 12 hours of community service as part of their classroom requirement. 

The students like their teachers t have to reject the Athanasius Creed and the Catechism of the Council of Trent on exclusive salvation.Since LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are interpreted irrationally. They are interpreted as being as practical examples of salvation in the present times (1965-2021).In other words invisible people are visible. This is irrational but this is the norm also at the Lay Center at the Foyer Unitas, Rome which assists the church.

On the Board of Directors of the Lay Center are Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin and   Dr. Donna Orsuto – President, ex-officio.

She has been teaching the political interpretation of Vatican Council II,with the fake premise, inference and non traditional conclusion, at the Pontifical Gregorian University Rome.-Lionel Andrades



Fake premise

The Baptism of Desire, Baptism of Blood and Invincible Ignorance refer to physically visible cases in 1949-2021.

Fake inference
They are objective examples of salvation outside the Church.They are examples of known non Catholics saved without Catholic faith and the baptism of water.

Fake conclusion
So they contradict the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).The Athanasius Creed(outside the Church there is no salvation) and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX ( ecumenism of return) were made obsolete.
Pope Pius XII and the Holy Office(CDF) made an objective mistake.


Rational Premise

The Baptism of Desire, Baptism of Blood and Invincible Ignorance refer to physically invisible cases in 1949-2021
They are only hypothetical and theoretical. They exist only in our mind and are not solid bodies at Newton's level of time, space and matter.

Rational Inference
They are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church for us human beings.They are not examples of known non Catholics saved without Catholic faith and the baptism of water.

Rational Conclusion
They do not contradict EENS as it was interpreted by the Jesuits in the Middle Ages.They do not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS of St. Thomas Aquinas( saved in invincible ignorance is invisible), St. Augustine and Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.
The Letter of the Holy Office(Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) 1949 made an objective mistake.


Fake premise

Unitatis Redintigratio 3, Lumen Gentium 14(Baptism of Desire), Lumen Gentium 16 (Invincible ignorance) etc in Vatican Council II refer to physically visible cases in 1965-2021.

Fake inference
They are objective examples of salvation outside the Church.

Fake conclusion
Vatican Council II contradicts the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).The Athanasius Creed(outside the Church there is no salvation) and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX ( ecumenism of return) were made obsolete.
Pope Paul VI and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican, made an objective error.


Rational Premise
 Unitatis Redintigratio 3, Lumen Gentium  14 and Lumen Gentium 16  in Vatican Council II refer to physically invisible cases in 1965-2021.They are only hypothetical and theoretical. They exist only in our mind and are not solid bodies at Newton's level of time, space and matter.

Rational Inference
They are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church for us human beings.

Rational Conclusion
Vatican Council II does not contradict EENS as it was interpreted by the Jesuits in the Middle Ages.It does not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS of St. Thomas Aquinas( saved in invincible ignorance is invisible), St. Augustine and Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.
The Letter of the Holy Office(Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) 1949 made an objective mistake.-L.A

Lionel Andrades,
Promoter of the interpretation of Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise,
Catholic lay man in Rome, 
Writer on the two interpretations of Vatican Council II, the Creeds, Catechisms and extra ecclesiam nulla salus.One is rational and the other irrational, one has the false premise and the other is without it,
blog: Eucharist and Mission

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