Monday, May 24, 2021

So there really cannot be a new Synodality based upon 'the spirit of Vatican Council II' which needs to be propped with a fake premise.The spirit of Vatican Council II is traditional. The Synods need to acknowledge this

 The Synodality of Pope Francis must be based upon Vatican Council II interpreted with the rational premise, inference and conclusion and without the false premise. 

There cannot be a Synod based upon the false premise. The false premise must not be used to interpret the Creeds,Catechisms, baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance.Then the ecclesiology of the Catholic Church today, is the same as before 1965.

So there really cannot be a new Synodality based upon 'the spirit of Vatican Council II' which needs to be propped with a fake premise.The spirit of Vatican Council II is traditional. The Synods need to acknowledge this. - Lionel Andrades

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