Saturday, May 22, 2021

Stay on

A seminarian is asking himself why should he continue to remain in the seminary.I would tell him not to leave.Since outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.His work as a priest will be important to save souls from going to Hell-fires.He will make the Sacrament available for many in these end-times.He must know that the Catholic Church is the 'pearl of great price', 'the corner stone which the builders rejected'.'the treasure that the man finds in the field'.It is like the only Ark of Noah that saves in the flood.The Sacraments are needed by the people.

To go to Heaven it is not enough to be a Christian but one has to be a Catholic.In Heaven there are only Catholics and they are there with faith and the baptism of water ( Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II). There are good things in other religions but the religions are not paths to salvation.The Holy Spirit can act outside the Church but God chose to restrict salvation to only the Catholic Church,His Mystical Body.Only the Catholic Church has that fullness of salvation to avoid Hell.The Gospel Reading last Sunday (Ascension Sunday) said that those who do not believe, who are not baptised with water in the Catholic Church,the only Church which existed at the time of Jesus - will be condemned.

The Bible tells us, that all need to be Catholic with the baptism of water and Catholic faith to avoid being condemned, forever in Hell (John 3:5, Mark 16:16).

So as a seminarian and then a priest, you will save your soul and that of others.What a precious gift you will give to so many - everlasting happiness in Heaven.

People are stuck in the mud.They cannot see beyond their daily problems.You will lift them up by removing the presence and effect of Satan within them. You will do it through the Sacraments.

You will be able to offer Mass when you want to.Such a powerful instrument to neutralize the stress in the world.As a priest you will be able to offer Mass in secret, during the coming persecution, while others will have to go in search of a priest, in times when Catholics will have to stay hidden.

Remember you are in the only Church which can offer salvation to people and as a priest, you are not just an important foot soldier, in the battle with the forces of Satan, but a commander of forces, physical and spiritual.The people may not know it but the Enemy does.

Jesus knows it too.And he will praise you on the Day of Judgement, for your choice and service.Stay a priest.You will be needed when things are falling apart all around us.If God wants you to be a priest- be a priest.You will be the Eucharist for many of us.At the Concecration you will be Jesus for us.You will bring the Eucharist to all of us. There is no salvation outside the Eucharist( John 6). In Him we live and move and have our being.Jesus is the same yesterday,today and tomorrow.Jesus does not change.The Church does not change even though new doctrines and errors in theology are taught at the seminaries and universities.Stay on.Become a priest.


Popes may come and popes will go.But the Faith does not change.It remains. -Lionel Andrades

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