Sunday, May 30, 2021

We cannot change Aristotle's laws of logic or use a false premise to create a New Theology and call it Catholic or Magisterial, in the parish. They must not lie, give false information and then pretend it is Catholic. Pope Benedict needs to apologise for this non Catholic philosophy and theology he promoted all these years

 We cannot change Aristotle's laws of logic or use a false premise to create a New Theology and call it Catholic or Magisterial, in the parish.

They must mot lie, give false information and then pretend it is Catholic.

Jesus is also the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The laws of philosophy and theology in the Catholic Church have been changed at large and officially and so the interpretation of Vatican Council II and Magisterial documents are not Catholic or Magisterial.So Catholics are not obliged to follow them.Pope Benedict needs to apologise for this non Catholic philosophy and theology he promoted all these years, for political or other reasons. - Lionel Andrades

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