Wednesday, May 19, 2021

When Collarino, Salvini and the Lega youth in Rome interpret Vatican Council II rationally, the whole world will sit up


Francesco Collarino, is the young coordinator of the Lega Salvini youth in the Municipality 13.Probably where I am living.

If he is Catholic he probably grew up with Vatican Council II being interpreted to serve the Left.Irrationally.So there is a split. Religion and the state are separate for the center right.The Church is with the the Left. Pope Francis has met Prime Minister Mario Dragi but not Matteo Salvini.

Now if Collarino and Salvini and the other members of the Lega youth in Rome interpreted Vatican Council II rationally, the whole world will sit up.

It will mean that Vatican Council II( rational) says that all non Catholics need faith and baptism for salvation(Ad Gentes 7).There are no practical exceptions in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc.This is the small theological point where the big change happens.

With Vatican Council II ( irrational) LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc are practical examples of salvation outside the Church.Non Catholics saved without faith and baptism.So not every one, it is reasoned, needs to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. Since there could be known salvation outside the Church.

But with Vatican Council II(rational) LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not examples of known salvation outside the Church. They are only hypothetical and physically invisible cases in 1965-2021. So when all the parish priests in Italy have this confirmed for them by the Lega, the homilies could be different.

Since they would have to affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.There are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II.It would mean the Church is going back to the Council of Trent on ecclesiocentrism, exclusive salvation.

It would mean the average migrant is oriented to Hell according to the Catholic Church.This would be the Catholic Church citing Vatican Council II, in harmony with Catholic Tradition.

The Parish Priest and bishop would have to admit this hard truth and Salvini could remind Pope Francis and the cardinals too.

With outside the Church there being no salvation, the priority would be all people become Catholic to avoid Hell. It would mean that if the Government, the Mayor, was Catholic more souls could be saved from Hell.So in the past we had the Proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics (Quas Primas of Pope Pius XI).Vote for a Catholic political party only.Vote for a party which proclaims the Social Reign of Christ as King.

This of course would be good news for the centre right political parties.In Europe the people would need to learn about the turnaround on Vatican Council II.

After 55-plus years we have stumbled upon a secret. We now know how to create a continuity or rupture, with Tradition. It's as easy as turning a light switch on or off.Avoid the false premise and your back to Tradition. Use the false premise and the Left claps.

Once the people understand, then the liberals, progressivists and secularists, can no more cite the Council.It would be unethical. Deceptive.

Catholics will have re-found their identity.They could rationally support  exclusive salvation in the Church( Council of Trent etc) and also Vatican Council II(L.A).

The Catholic youth of the Lega could go up to the parish priests.They would talk not just politics but religion too."Padre come lei interpreta Concilio Vatican II".They could  talk about their understanding of Vatican Council II and Church documents. They could ask that the Catechism classes.Are the Catechists using the rational interpretation of Vatican Council II ?.The children would have to be told that in Heaven there are only Catholics.They are there with faith and the baptism of water(AG 7).This is the ordinary means of salvation. We humans do not know of any extraordinary means of salvation.

Those who have died without faith and the baptism of water in the Catholic Church, have not made it.Most people are oriented to Hell.Since they die outside the Catholic Church.

Once it is clear that VC2 affirms the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Catholic youth will look at politics differently. There would no more be a rupture between Church and State.No separation.No more a rupture between traditionalists and progressivists. The liberal theology would no more be there in the Council-text interpreted rationally.
Catholics will have their identity once again.-Lionel Andrades

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