Monday, June 7, 2021

Fr.Nicholas Gruner was persecuted by the ecclesiastics : they did not know about the false and rational premise

Fr.Nicholas Gruner was persecuted by the Rome Vicariate and the Vatican since it was thougt that he should no more affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)after it was contradicted by Vatican Council II, commonly interpeted irrationally(also by Fr.Gruner).The Church no more taught EENS, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed was the view of Cardinal Ratzinger.
Fr.Gruner, John Vennari and Chris Ferrara did not know about the rational and irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II; the false and rational premise, which produced two different conclusions, one traditional and the other non traditional.Neither did the ecclesiastics know this.
Now after over 55 years we know that without the false premise Vatican Council II has a traditional conclusion and is not a break with the past exclusivt theology of the Catholic Church.

Similarly Mother Angelica did not know that VC 2 did not contradict her interpretation of EENS. She followed the bishops.Later she would affirm EENS with the baptism of desire etc being exceptions. This was the same as the SSPX.

But now Jeff Mirus at Trinity Communications and Phil Lawler at Catholic Culture know.They have been informed and they have no response.Yet Trinity Communications, of Jeff Mirus, along with EWTN maintain a propaganda piece on the Internet,titled, 'The Tragic Errors of Fr. Leonard Feeney by Fr. William Most'.This is political. They are following the money and are taking advantage of the ignorance of the priest, a good apologist, who did not know about the difference between the false and rational premise,when he interpreted Magisterial documents.

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