Wednesday, June 23, 2021

In my parish the Brazilian priests, Italian catechists and the whole parish with the approval of the bishop, re-interpret the Creeds, First Commandment, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Catechisms and Vatican Council II with a fake premise and create a fake rupture with Tradition


In my parish I look at the baptism of desire(BOD),baptism of blood (BOB) and Invincible ignorance ( I.I) as being only hypothetical, they exist only in our mind - but for the Brazilian priests, Italian catechists and the parishioners, they are objective, known people, non Catholics, saved without the baptism of water and Catholic faith.So for every one else they become practical exceptions to the old teaching on outside the Church there is no salvation- but not for me.
The Athanasius Creed says all need Catholic faith for salvation and this Creed does not mention any exceptions but for the parish there are exceptions.There are exceptions since BOD, BOB and I.I are wrongly made into exceptions.So the parish has rejected the original Athanasius Creed and made it obsolete.This is approved by the bishop and the priests.
They have also changed the understanding of the Nicene Creed and rejected its original meaning.This is a sin of faith, it is a mortal sin of faith.
We are also obliged to believe in the First Commandment of Moses which says “I am the Lord your God you shall have no other God but me”.After the Coming of the Messiah and the Death and Resurrection of Jesus as prophesised by the Jewish prophets,God the Father wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church (CCC 845), the Church is Jesus’ Mystical Body and it is like the Ark of Noah that saves all from the flood, that saves all from going to Hell.Outside the Church there is no salvation( AG 7,CCC 846).The Jews were waiting for the Messiah but he came and they did not know it. He will come again.
So only in the Catholic Church there is true worship(UR 3) and Catholics are the new people of God(NA 4), the new Chosen People.But when BOD, BOB and I.I are interpreted with a false premise( invisible people are visible examples of salvation outside the Church,people saved in Heaven are also physically visible on earth) the dogma EENS is rejected. So the parish believes outside the Catholic Church there is salvation and so there is true worship in other religions,non Christian religions and among pagans too, like in the Amazon.
This is first class heresy.It is also schism with the past popes and the Magisterium over the centuries.It is a rupture with Catholic Tradition created by intepreting BOD, BOB and I.I with a false premise and then extending the error to LG 8,LG 14,LG 16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II.The parish would then claim that Vatican Council II is a rupture with Tradition (Athanasius Creed,EENS etc).

So Catholic children are not taught in parish-Catechism that there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church and in Heaven there are only Catholics.
To be politically correct with the Left the Brazilian Joselitos Christo priests and the Italian Catechists,re-interpret the Creeds,Commandments, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus,Catechisms and Vatican Council II with a fake premise and create a fake rupture with Tradition.
They reject de fide teachings of the Catholic Church which cannot be changed and in which all need to believe in.They offer Holy Mass with this scandal and I have to go up to them to receive the Eucharist.
When the Comitato dell Immaculata, which oversees the parish property, permits all these non Catholic, doctrines and theology in the parish of Santa Maria di Nazareth,Casalotti,Rome,they condone sin and are part of the problem.. -Lionel Andrades

JUNE 22, 2021

Nella mia parrocchia i sacerdoti, i catechisti e i parrocchiani interpretano irrazionalmente il Credo di Nicea e Atanasio: questo è un peccato mortale pubblico.La nostra Professione di Fede è diversa


Nella mia parrocchia i sacerdoti, i catechisti e i parrocchiani interpretano irrazionalmente il Credo di Nicea e Atanasio: questo è un peccato mortale pubblico.La nostra Professione di Fede è diversa

Nella mia parrocchia i sacerdoti e i catechisti interpretano casi sconosciuti del battesimo di desiderio (BOD) e dell'ignoranza invincibile (I.I) come persone conosciute ed esempi oggettivi di salvezza al di fuori della Chiesa e quindi eccezioni pratiche al Credo di Atanasio. Questo Credo dice che tutti hanno bisogno la Fede Cattolica per la salvezza, e il Credo non menziona alcuna eccezione.

Per me casi sconosciuti del BOD e I.I non possono essere eccezioni conosciute e oggettive al Credo di Atanasio.

I sacerdoti ei catechisti ei parrocchiani non possono affermare il Credo di Atanasio e il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). Questa è eresia di prim'ordine e un peccato mortale pubblico. Non lo negano.

In questa condizione, senza che pongano fine allo scandalo, devo salire a ricevere l'Eucarestia nella S. Messa in italiano.

A parte il Credo di Atanasio c'è un problema anche con il Credo di Nicea. Per me il Credo di Nicea dice “Credo in un solo battesimo per la remissione dei peccati”, è un riferimento al battesimo d'acqua. Non conosco nessuno che sono salvato con il BOD o I.I.

Non conosco nessuno salvato al di fuori della Chiesa Cattolica con la fede e il battesimo d'acqua.

Ma per i sacerdoti, catechisti e parrocchiani di Santa Maria di Nazareth, Casalotti, Boccea, Roma, il Credo Niceno dice proprio: «Credo in tre o più battesimi per il perdono del peccato; del desiderio, del sangue, dell'ignoranza invincibile ecc., ed escludono il battesimo dell'acqua nella Chiesa Cattolica (e quindi ci sono eccezioni pratiche all'EENS Feeneyite;EENS traditionale, per loro). Quindi la comprensione dei Credo di Nicea è stata cambiata. Questo è peccato mortale pubblico.

La comprensione del Credo di Nicea da parte della parrocchia e la mia comprensione sono diverse. Quindi anche la nostra Professione di Fede durante la Santa Messa sarebbe diversa.

E devo salire a ricevere l'Eucaristia nella Messa senza che loro ritrattano e correggano l'errore, che è comune in questa diocesi di Porta Santa Rufina,Roma ora sotto l'amministrazione dell'Arcivescovo di Civitavecchia e del Vaticano.

Sacerdoti e laici sono tenuti ad affermare i Credo senza alcuna innovazione.

Con BOD e I.I che si riferiscono a persone visibili salvate al di fuori della Chiesa (e quindi c'è una presunta salvezza conosciuta al di fuori della Chiesa) il Primo Comandamento è diverso oggi per i Cattolici. Significa che non c'è solo il vero culto nella Chiesa Cattolica ma anche in altri religioni che hanno falso culto e idoli.-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 22, 2021

In my parish the priests, catechists and parishioners interpret the Nicene and Athanasius Creed irrationally : this is a public mortal sin , our profession of faith is different

In my parish the priests and catachists interpret unknown cases of the baptism of desire(BOD) and invincible ignorance(I.I) as being known people and objective examples of salvation outside the Church and so practical exceptions to the Athanasius Creed.This Creed  says all need the Catholic faith for salvation, and the Creed does not mention any exceptions.

For me unknown cases of the BOD and I.I cannot be known and objective exceptions to the Athanasius Creed.
The priests and catechists and the parishioners cannot affirm the Athanasius Creed and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This is first class heresy and a public mortal sin.They do not deny this.
In this condition, without their ending the scandal, I have to go up to receive the Eucharsit at Holy Mass in Italian.
Aside from the Athanasius Creed there is a problem also with the Nicene Creed.For me the Nicene Creed says “I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins”,it is a reference to the baptism of water.I don’t know of any one saved with the BOD or I.I.
I don’t know of any one saved outside the Catholic Church with faith and the baptism of water.
But for the priests, catechists and parishioners of Santa Maria di Nazareth, Casalotti,Boccea,Rome,the Nicene Creeds really says, « I believe in three or more baptisms for the forgiveness of sin, desire, blood , invincible ignorance etc and they exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church( and so there are practical exceptions to Feeneyite EENS for them).So the understanding of the Nicene Creeds has been changed. This is public mortal sin.
The parish’s understanding of the Nicene Creed and my understanding is different.So our Profession of Faith at Holy Mass would also be different.And I have to go up to receive the Eucharist at Mass without them recanting and correcting the error, which is common in this diocese of Porta Santa Rufina, now under the administration of the Archbishop of Civitavecchia and the Vatican.
Priests and lay people are expected to affirm the Creeds without any innovation.
With BOD and I.I referring to visible people saved outside the Church( and so there is alleged known salvation outside the Church) the First Commandment is different today for Catholics.It means that there is not only true worship in the Catholic Church but also in other religions which have false worship and idols.-Lionel Andrades

 JUNE 17, 2021

There are good priests in my parish but they interpret the Creeds and Magisterial documents irrationally : St. Alphonsus Liguori says do not go up to receive the Eucharist from a priest in public mortal sin

There are good priests in the parish Santa Maria di Nazareth,Casalotti, Boccea, Rome.However St.Alphonsus Liguori, father of Moral Theology says that if there is a priest in public mortal sin do not go up to receive the Eucharist from him. Since if you do so you would be telling him all is well even though his soul is oriented to Hell. St. Alphonsus says that if there is no other means to fulfill your Sunday obligation, then go up to him to receive the Eucharist at Mass ( Teologia Moralis, Bk.3,N.46).In my parish, like the rest of the diocese, the priests interpret the Creeds irrationally since it is politically correct with the Left and the Vatican.They reject the Athanasius Creed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors with the same false premise. Then they interpret the Catechisms and Vatican Council II with the same false premise creating a false rupture with Tradition(EENS etc).

How am I to go up to receive the Eucharist from them ? -Lionel Andrades

 JUNE 19, 2021

Annual parish fete tomorrow - stall needed for Catechesis

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