Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Repost : Pope Francis needs to interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise, inference and conclusion to be Magisterial on Vatican Council II, the Creeds, Catechisms and extra ecclesiam nulla salus.


APRIL 20, 2021

Pope Francis needs to interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise, inference and conclusion to be Magisterial on Vatican Council II, the Creeds, Catechisms and extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

 Pope Francis needs to interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise, inference and conclusion to be Magisterial on Vatican Council II, the Creeds, Catechisms and extra ecclesiam nulla salus. - Lionel Andrades

APRIL 12, 2021

Most of the material on Vatican Council II at the office of Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State and also at the library of the St. John Lateran University, Rome, is now obsolete



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