Monday, June 7, 2021

Steve Skojec needs to discuss Church doctrine with the FSSP priest

The FSSP are liberals who think they are traditionalists since they offer the Mass in Latin.Steve Skojec needs to work with them instead of changing parishes.The central issue is Vatican Council II.We have to agree on VC2 then the rest will fall in place.
The FSSP may not want to change on VC2. They could cite Pope Francis who affirms the Council, interpreted rationally and so can reject Tradition.

We have to agree on what is rational and irrational, unethical and ethical.The FSSP cannot continue to interpret Magisterial documents with a false premise and then consider themselves Catholic.
This has to be discussed and written about by Steve Skojec who received some 70,000 comments/page views on his criticism of 'crippled religion'.
Once it is understood that the FSSP and Steve have to be rational and ethical on Vatican Council II etc, as Catholics, they can review their acceptance of the New Ecumenism, New Theology, New Evangelisation and New Ecclesiology.
What is the theological basis for the New Evangelisation in the parish ? Steve must ask.If Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally there is no known salvation outside the Church. In reality we cannot know of any one saved without faith and the baptism of water. This is something only God could know.So how does the Parish Priest interpret Unitatits Redintigratio, the Decree on Ecumenism in Vatican Council II ? Does the FSSP project UR 3 as a practical exception to extra ecclesianm nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX ? Will Steve's son Liam have to accept this irrationality and new doctrine based upon a false premise and misinterpretation of Vatican Council II, to be baptised with water?
The New Theology is based upon the objective error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO).To receive the Sacraments from the FSSP priest, will the Skoject family also have to accept the heretical and irrational interpretation of LOHO since the popes do so ?
These are issues that need to be discussed and written about.-Lionel Andrades

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