Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Lefebvrists are the biggest asset of the liberals.We can see the effect in Dijon, France.The Latin laity interpret Vatican Council II with the same false premise as Bishop Roland Minnerath.They are no different from the liberals.

The Lefebvrists are the biggest asset of the liberals.We can see the effect in Dijon, France.The Latin laity interpret Vatican Council II with the same false premise as  Bishop Roland Minnerath.They are no different from the liberals.The Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) in Dijon, in central France, after  23 years of service at the Basilica of Saint-Bernard  are told to leave and Vatican Council II is cited.

The bishop makes it appear that some 300 families are heretical and schismatic for not accepting Vatican Council II, with the false premise, as he does.This is the common interpretation of the Council by the diocesan priests and people.

Msgr Minnerath is  five months away from handing his  resignation to Pope Francis who has said that Vatican Council II is the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.He did not specify a Council interpreted with a false premise or without it. It is understood that it has to be a Council interpreted with a false premise. 

The Lefebvrist FSSP  are clueless. They don't know what is happening and how they are being duped theologically and doctrinally.

When Vatican Council II is dogmatic it is traditional.The people of France must know this.It is the bishop who must be on the defensive and not the FSSP.The people in general in the diocese must know the truth and those who attend the Latin Mass.

But who is going to tell them? Not the Lefebvrists.They have too much to lose.

So now at Dijon they are repeating the same mistake as the traditionalists at Ferrara-Commacchio, Italy.The traditionalist priests there were transferred.

The liberal bishops could be laughing down their sleeves at the ignorance of Fr. Vaughn Treco and Fr. Alessandro M. Minutella.The Council is dogmatic, it is the bishop who needs to apologise to these priests.The bishops do not follow the Council rationally and instead create their liberalism and innovation,with a false premise, and get away with it.

Fr.Vaughn Treco and Fr. Alessandro Minutella were using the new theology, the liberal theology and also complaining about it and they got excommunicated by liberal bishops.They still don't understand what happened.Since they do not know the precise cause of the new theology, the liberal theology.

Now some 300 practicing Catholics, families and young people, in France have no one to tell Pope Francis that they can interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise, inference and conclusion and they expect him and Bishop Roland Minnerrat to do the same immediately.The whole diocese would become ' a Latin laity'.

The FSSP priests will be taking all this lying down like at the time when Pope Francis told members of the National Catechetical Centre, Italy that Vatican Council II is the Magisterium. 

Rorate Caeili representing the traditionalists had an article posted, written by Roberto dei Mattei, who did not mention that there is a Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise. Since it would mean that he would have to affirm the strict interpretation of EENS.He does not want to do this and still wants to be called a traditionalist.So he remains poltically correct on Vatican Council II like Pope Francis and Pope Benedict.

 Presently the FSSP Catechism classes are the same as the diocesan priests who offer Mass in French. Both groups reject the strict interpretatoin of the dogma EENS, the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors etc.Without the false premise both groups would have to affirm these Church documents, with there being no known exceptions. -Lionel Andrades

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