Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Profession of Faith of Msgr. Nicola Bux is different from mine at every Mass in any Rite.So how can there be unity ?

Msgr.Nicola Bux has interpreted all Magisterial documents with a false premise and he says that the Mass in Latin, with the new ecclesiology could contribute towards unity in the Church. The sensus fidei for him is interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise, instead of a rational one, and then accepting the non traditional conclusion, as being the fault of the Council, and not his irrationality.He blames the Council instead of himself.

The motu proprio Summorum Pontificium did not state that the Latin Mass had to be offered with the past ecclesiology of the Church.The Latin Mass could be offered with the past ecclesiology when Vatican Council II, EENS, the Syllabus of Errors etc are not interpreted with the false premise.

 We go back to Tradition when Vatican Council II is interpreted without the false premise.So there would be no exceptions for the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church.But this is not how Msgr. Bux and the traditionalists interpret Vatican Council II.

Over the last 13 years or so there has been no doctrinal unity in the Church since Mons. Bux like Archbishop Lefebvre interprets Magisterial documents with a false premise to create a rupture with the past Magisterium of the Church,over the centuries, on exclusive salvation.Summorum Pontificum did not create unity.Those who attend the Novus Ordo Mass still interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition, just like the FSSP and the SSPX.

In the past there was the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with no exceptions. Today it has exceptions.

In the past there was the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX with no exceptions. Today there are exceptions for Msgr. Bux.

In the past there was the Athanasius Creed with no exceptions. Today the traditionalists say that not every one needs Catholic faith for salvation. 

So the Profession of Faith of Msgr. Bux is different from mine at every  Mass in any Rite.So how can there be unity ?- Lionel Andrades

Intervista a mons. Nicola Bux: «Messa in latino, contributo all’unità dei cristiani»

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