Friday, June 18, 2021

This is how the Department of Theology at the Angelicum University, Rome should interpret Vatican Council II and Magisterial texts.

 When LG 8, LG 16, UR 3, GS 22 , NA 2 etc in Vatican Council II are only hypothetical and theoretical and not objective examples of salvation outside the Church, in personally known cases in 2021,then Vatican Council II is dogmatic. It affirms exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church with Ad Gentes 7 .While there are no exceptions for Ad Gentes 7 mentioned in the Council.text, interpreted rationally.This interpretation of the Council would be rational, traditional and Magisterial.This is how the Department of Theology at the Angelicum University, Rome should interpret Vatican Council II and Magisterial texts. .- Lionel Andrades

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