Sunday, June 6, 2021

We have the same Vatican Council II of Pope Paul VI but we interpret it rationally and traditionally.

 We have the same Vatican Council II of Pope Paul VI but we interpret it rationally and traditionally. We don't have to discard the Council. We go back to Tradition with Vatican Council II. All that is required is ' a mental note', a switch in the way we look at the Council-text.Simply look at LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2,GS 22 etc as being hypothetical.

1.In other words, make the Cushingite-Feeneyite distinction.

2.Another approach is the red is not an exception to the blue. The confusing red passages are hypothetical only and so do not contradict the blue orthodox passages in Vatican Council II which support traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(See the right hand bar)

3.Or another way to put it is,see the text with the two columns.

These are aids to reading Vatican Council II rationally which I discovered over some 15 years or more.The insight is important and then the Council has what Pope Benedict called, ' a hermeneutic of continuity'.-Lionel Andrades

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