Thursday, June 3, 2021

We must not choose to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally even after being informed. Massimo Faggioli's last report on Synodality for Crux was written with Vatican Council II interpreted with a fake premise.

 We must not choose to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally even after being informed. Massimo Faggioli's last report on Synodality for Crux was written with Vatican Council II interpreted with a fake premise.- Lionel Andrades

JUNE 2, 2021

It is the liberals who now have to be open to Vatican Council II

 We can no more say that the traditionalists have to be open to Vatican Council II.We can no more interpret the Council in an irrational way and then pretend it is a rupture with exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

With the LA interpretation of Vatican Council II we have changed the way we look at the Council.Now it is the liberals who have to be open to a traditional VC2.The Council has 'changed before our every eyes'.
VC2 interpreted rationally is not a rupture with the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church,which was there at the time of St. Joan of Arc.
Outside the Church there is no salvation is a central teaching of Vatican Council II(AG 7) and is not restricted to conservative Catholics only.

Massimo Faggioli would say that the theology of the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX ended with Vatican Council II.Now he knows that with the Council interpreted rationally, there can only be the theology today of the Syllabus of Errors.It is the only rational alternative.
There cannot be ' a development of doctrine or dogma' with an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II or a false interpretation of John Henry Newman.The Council interpreted rationally supports Newman who said that dogmas do not change but doctrines can change before they are confirmed, as a dogma e.g The Holy Trinity.

Massimo Faggioli,John Allen jr. Michael Sean Winters and the reporters at The Tablet, U.K, cannot change the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) by irrationally interpreting the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance and then projecting them as practical exceptions to EENS.Similarly they cannot re-interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and then project the Council as a break with EENS etc.-Lionel Andrades

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