Saturday, July 31, 2021

Cardinals and bishops use a false premise, which is unethical, and no one checks them.This issue is public and dishonest. It is a secular issue in this sense.But there is no organization or system to show the Italian politicians like Matteo Salvini how interpreting Vatican Council II rationally is in their political interest and that of the Catholics of Italy


There is no organisation in the Catholic Church which calls attention to specific cases when Vatican Council II is interpreted with the false premise and not the rational premise, which is always an option.For example, in Washington D.C  why should Archbishop Wilton Gregory and Jesuit Georgetown University, interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise ? Why should they confuse what is invisible as being visible and then consider it Catholic ?

Why are there no restrictions for priests who offer the Novus Ordo Mass but interpret Vatican Council II irrationally ? This is unethical in a public and secular sense.

Similarly Cardinal Cupich and Mundelein seminary,Chicago,  should interpret Vatican Council II  rationally. They could interpret the Council rationally and then go back to the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.They should be proclaiming that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation instead of there is salvation.

We now know, but they do not seem to know, that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, are invisible cases. So they cannot be visible examples of salvation outside the Church.They cannot be exceptions to the Athanasius Creed which says all need the Catholic faith for salvation.

This would be obvious for most people. But cardinals and bishops use a false premise, which is unethical, and no one checks them.This issue is public and dishonest. It is a secular issue in this sense.But there is no organization or system  to show the Italian politicians like Matteo Salvini how  interpreting Vatican Council II rationally is in their political interest and that of the Catholics of Italy.-Lionel Andrades

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