Monday, July 12, 2021

FSSP needs to dialogue with the French bishops to end the parallel Church in France


The French bishops have created a parallel Church. With the use of the false premise they have produced a break with Tradition, as known to the FSSP priests. The false premise has to be identified and avoided.Then the French bishops, theologically, automatically come back to Tradition.

The fake premise though is being taught at FSSP seminaries  too and also the seminaries in general in France approved by the French bishops' conference.

There is tension now since the FSSP priests are rejecting Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise and are going back to Tradition while the French bishops , in a parallel new Church, have interpreted Vatican Council II with the fake premise,and so justify their neo liberalism, their ‘theology of religions’, new ecumenism, new evangelisation,new ecclesiology etc. The next step will be the German Synodal Path.

To end the parallel Church the popes, cardinals, bishops and priests have to stop interpreting Magisterial documents with the fake premise, which comes from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) to the Archbishop of Boston with reference to Fr. Leonard Feeney. The error is also there in Vatican Council II.

The first part of the LOHO can be accepted but the second part , which contradicts the first part, with the use of the fake premise,has to be rejected. It is irrational and heretical. It is schism with the past popes and cannot be Magisterial.

The FSSP and Diocesan priests need to inform the French bishops that they cannot affirm a theology of religions, with the use of a false premise, it’s unethical.

They need to tell the French bishops that they cannot reject the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius  IX, with the use of the false premise, it’s dishonest and not Catholic.

They need to inform the French bishops that they affirm the stict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). They affirm Cantate Domino, Council of Florence on no salvation outside the Church and also the Athanasius Creed which says all need Catholic faith for salvation ( to avoid Hell), since, there are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II and there are none in real life.

They need to ask for an end to approving books on Vatican Council II, New Ecclesiology, New Ecumenism etc written with the common false premise.

The French bishops, like the Italian and German bishops, may not agree to interpret Magisterial documents  without the fake premise, since they have political obligations.

The FSSP could inform the Catholic judges of the secular and ecclesiastical courts that they are intepreting Vatican Council II and Magisterial documents in general, with a fake premise and to continue to do so, would be unethical for the judiciary.It would be the same for the Catholic politicians.

The 4000 Catholics who petitioned Bishop Roland Minnerath to allow the FSSP priests to remain in Dijon, France, could petition Le Pen to ask Bishop Minnerath, and all the French bishops and cardinals, to interpret Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents without the fake premise. The whole Church would then emerge conservative and orthodox and there would no more be a liberal parallel Church, supporting the Left. It would not be a rational option.

The FSSP priests need to continue to affirm Tradition and interpret Vatican Council II and all Church documents without the fake premise.Then there would be no rupture with Tradition, even if they were offering the Novus Ordo Mass.Their catechesis would be traditional, like that of the missionaries in the 16th century. This would be the rational theology also of the diocesan priests.-Lionel Andrades

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