Sunday, July 4, 2021

How can there be a development of doctrine based on Vatican Council II ? Cardinal Kasper in his book on Ecclesiology,calls it ‘ a mystery’.This is false. There is no mystery : the false premise is used to reject exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church : issue for Italian Parliament


 How can there be a development of doctrine based on Vatican Council II ? Cardinal Kasper in his book on Ecclesiology,calls it ‘ a mystery’.This is false. There is no mystery.The development of doctrine is created when exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church is rejected.This is done by projecting hypothetical and theoretical cases, refer to in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, in Vatican Council II, as non hypothetical, objective and practical examples of salvation outside the Catholic Church. They are projected as known people in the present times 1965-2021 saved without faith and the baptism of water.So the non traditiional conclusion is a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors etc.This is called by Pope Francis and Pope Benedict ' a development of doctrine

This is dishonest and Giorgia Melloni and Matteo Salvini  could bring up this issue in the Italian Parliament.

Another issue to be brought up in Parliament is that Catholics who do not accept this ‘mystery’, and who choose to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and without the false premise, are not allowed to study at the Pontifical Universities in Rome.

They could ask in Parliament why are Cardinal Kasper’s books among the Bibliography for students at the pontifical universities, when he uses the common deception.-Lionel Andrades

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