Saturday, July 24, 2021

Peter Kwasniewski should have appealed to Pope Francis to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so support Tradition and permit the Latin Mass for those who do the same



Peter Kwasniewski says Traditionis Custode is not juridical based upon his theological opionion which differs from others.He has not brought out the objective fault of the pope( and himself) when they both use a fake premise to interpret Vatican Council II.This is unethical, dishonest and non Magisterial. Peter Kwasniewski should have appealed to Pope Francis to interpet Vatican Council II rationally and so support Tradition,and permit the Latin Mass for those who do the same.
There are no objective exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council Ii to the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) which the pope and Kwansiewski do not affirm.For me the Council is not a rupture with EENS since I interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise, inference and tradtional conclusion.Kwasniewski does not mention this point since he needs to remain as political on Vatican Council II as, Pope Francis and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF).Interpreting Vatican Council II with a fake premise is juridical and acceptable for Kwasniewlsi, the blog Rorate Caeili and Life Site News.
Kwasniewski’s interpretation of Vatican Council II as expressed in Traditionis Custode is as dishonest as the common one of the cardinals, bishops and priests.He ignores this point which is a major error in TC.He needs to be politically safe and continue to write books, give talks and earn a living.So he overlooks this particular, major error in TC,that of the false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and other Church documents( Creeds and Catehisms).
The error of Traditionis Custode is specific and concrete.
When Pope Francis and Pope Benedict , the CDF and the traditionalists, interpret invisible and hypothetical cases of being saved, as referenced in LG 8,LG 14,LG 16,UR 3,NA 2, GS 22 etc, as being visible examples of salvation outside the Church and alleged objective exceptions to Tradition in general and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church in particular,then this is a specific example of being dishonest. It is unethical academically and it is an error in public.It can also be noticed by the secular organisations and non Christians.For discerning Catholics it is a scandal and it is oficial.Kwasnewski considers it Magisterial.
Pope Francis is divisive when he wants to unite the whole Church with a dishonest and divisive interpretation of Vatican Council II.

The Mass, in all Rites, is only permitted for those who interpret Vatican Council II with the fake premise, to create a fake rupture with Tradition.The artificial break with Tradition is the signal for the bishop to approve the liturgy.
The FSSP and diocesan priests in Dijon, France, following Traditionis Custode, will not be able to offer Mass in Latin or French,unless they interpet the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX,with the deceptive premise ( the red column) and so promote ‘ a theology of religions’, based on Vatican Council II ( irrational).
With ‘the theology of religions’, the FSSP priests and Latin laity will have to reject the First Commandment.They will have to say that people in other religions, who have different gods, will also be saved.
Peter Kwasniewski should have appealed to Pope Francis to interpet Vatican Council II rationally and so support Tradition,and permit the Latin Mass for those who do the same.

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