Sunday, July 25, 2021

Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II with a fake premise so Traditionis Custode cannot be Magisterial. He needs to publicly correct the error.


 JULY 25, 2021

Pope Francis must interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so support Tradition and then permit the Holy Mass in all Rites for those who do the same



Pope Francis must interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so support Tradition and then permit the Holy Mass in all Rites for those who do the same.

Now he is interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise , producing the expected rupture with Tradition( outside the Church there is no salvation) and then  permitting the Mass in all Rites, to only those who do the same.So the norm is a break with Tradition. -Lionel Andrades 

JULY 22, 2021

Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II with a fake premise so Traditionis Custode cannot be Magisterial. He needs to publicly correct the error.

Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II with the red column. Traditionis Custode permits the Latin Mass for communities which interpret the Council with the fake premise.It has banned the Latin Mass because communities in general do not interpret Vatican Council II with the fake premise and then accept the false conclusion, as he does.

This an objective and factual error of his. It is not the action of the Holy Spirit. There is no denial from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) ecclesiastics. They agree with me.

The pope and the CDF contradict the past Magisterium. This is schism.Since they interpret Vatican Council II with the red column,the fake premise, their understanding of the Creeds and Catechisms would be a break with Tradition.It would be schismatic and heretical.

This is a public scandal, not only for the pope and the CDF but  also the cardinals, bishops and priests who accept Traditionis Custode and its false reasoning.

Pope Francis and the CDF need to correct their error and announce that they interpet Vatican Council II with the left hand column without the false premise) and so the pope  had made an error in Traditionis Custode, which cannot be Magisterial, in its present form.

With the red column the pope has rejected the Athanasius Creed which says all need the Catholic faith for salvation.It does not mention any exceptions and this was how the past Magisterium accepted, it over the centuries.So this is a mortal sin of faith.He is officialy putting aside a Creed. Those who cooperate with the pope on this error are cooperating with the sin.

In a statement on Traditionis Custode, the FSSP, Institude of Christ the King, Una Voce International etc, have all extended their cooperation and obedience, to the pope, in the interpretation of Vatican Council II with the error.

John Henry Weston at Life Site News and Michael Voris at Church Militant TV are not reporting on this issue and neither are they interpreting Vatican Council II with the blue column ( without the false premise).

I interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise blue column ) so Vatican Council II (AG 7) supports the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), for me.It is in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX (without exceptions) and the Athanasius Creed (without known exceptions).


Archbishop Thomas E. Gullickson,Fr. Stefano Visintin osb, Fr. Nevus Macello op, the apologist John Martignoni and diocesan priests in Rome also choose the blue column, like me.

If the FSSP priests in France accept and interpret Vatican Council II with the blue column the bishops and the CDF may still not allow them to offer the Latin Mass.They have to accept and interpret Vatican Council II and the Creeds and Catechisms, with the red column to be approved by Pope Francis.

Will not their Mass be a sacrilege unless they officially correct the scandal ? Will not those who attend their Mass and receive the Eucharist be cooperating in the sacrilege? Would it be the same for Pope Francis and Pope Benedict ? 

Would their Mass be a sacrilege since they have changed the meaning of the Creeds and Catechisms, have interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally instead of rationally,rejected the dogma EENS, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed, in public.


Image result for Athanasius Creed pHOTO

'Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly...'

They are in an impediment when offering Holy Mass, with the mortal sin of faith.In general this is how the priests offer Holy Mass in different rites. The false premise has spread in the Church like the Arian heresy of past times. -Lionel Andrades



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