Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Padre Pio prayer groups, Charismatic Renewal prayer meetings, Neo Catechumenal Way Mass, Legion of Mary meetings in the parish,Medugorje Eucharestic Adoration groups, St. Vincent de Paul, Youth groups, Scouts etc and many others are all interpreting Vatican Council II with the following errors.


The Padre Pio prayer groups, Charismatic Renewal prayer meetings, Neo Catechumenal Way Mass, Legion of Mary meetings in the parish,Medugorje Eucharestic Adoration groups, St. Vincent de Paul, Youth groups, Scouts etc  and many others are all interpreting Vatican Council II with the following errors.

1.With the fake premise instead of the rational premise.

2.With the right hand side column instead of the left hand side column.

3.With the red being an exception to the blue instead of it not being an exception.

So the result is a hermeneutic of rupture with tradition instead of a hermeneutic of continuity with tradition. –Lionel Andrades

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