Saturday, July 24, 2021

There is doctrinal dis-unity in the parish at Mass in Italian where Pope Francis banned the Latin Mass in 2013


There is doctrinal disunity in the parish in which I live in Rome.The First Commandment says ‘I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other God but me’.We Catholics follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Yahweh-fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the promise and prophecy of the Jewish prophets of the Old Testament.We believe in the Bible as the only inspired –text, with the fullness of the truth, expressed in the Trinity. We believe there is salvation in only Jesus and His Mystical Body, the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation(John 3:5,Mark 16:16,John 3:15-19 etc). We follow the new revelation expressed in the Bible and the eternal covenant Jesus made with his Death and Resurrection.The Sacrifice of Jesus is renewed at every Mass I attend in Italian at the parish in Casalotti, Boccea.
This is God whom I serve and worship in the Catholic Church.Jesus is God. We also refer to Jesus as the Son of God, God who chose to come and live among us creatures and expiate for our sins.So that after death we may be happy with Him forever in Heaven.Those who believe in Jesus and live his teachings in the Catholic Church will be saved from the fires of Hell.
This is not the God of the Jews, Muslims, Protestants, Evangelicals, Buddhists and Hindus-even though God in his essense and as Creator, is one. Our concepts and beliefs are different as we are limited by the ego, the mind and the restrictions of being human.
So after the Death and Resurrection of Christ there is true worship in only the Catholic Church.This is the traditional theology of the Catholic Church.
Yet the priests and parishioners in my parish, Santa Maria di Nazareth, believe that outside the Church there is salvation, even among foreign religions, with foreign gods,like the Amazonians.
This is really an impediment to offering Holy Mass in Italian and for the laity, receiving the Eucharst.It is another one of the many signs of disunity in the diocese.

Vatican Council II tells us that Catholics are the new people of God (NA 4) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church says God the Father wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church(CCC 845), the Church is compared to the Ark of Noah that saves in the flood (CCC 845).
So we do not have doctrinal unity among those of us who attend Mass in Italian.There is no Latin Mass in the old church of the parish, after Pope Farncis closed down the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate seminary in 2013.

The Latin Mass being offered by the Fransciscans of the Immaculate in the old church of the parish Santa Maria di Nazareth, Boccea, Rome before 2013.-Photo by Lionel Andrades

Now Cardinal Braz de Avez, Prefect of the congregation for the religious, Fr.Sabino Ardito, Commissar, for the Francscans of the Immaculate, interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise, creating a break with the First Commandment, the Creeds and the old Catechisms.They are all following Pope Francis, like the priests and parishioners in the parish.
The old church in the parish is still empty and unused. A long time back Mass was offered there  in Latin and Italian, by the Franciscans of the Immaculate under Fr. Stefano Mannelli F.I.This was before Pope Francis split the community.The Latin Mass was banned at that time and Mass in Italian was offered in a new church in the parish.
The seminary windows are still shuttered.I notice it every day.

Fr.Settimo Mannelli F.I, Rector of the seminary and Parish Priest at the parish Santa Maria di Nazareth, with a parishioner- Photo by Lionel Andrades

Between the Comitato dell Immaculata of Fr. Stefano Manelli and the bishop of the diocese, the old church remains silent.No Mass is offered there any more.
In the new church, alongside the old seminary building, the Joselitos Christo community priests do not have the freedom to interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise( the blue column).This is really a rejection of Vatican Council II by them and Pope Francis.It is the same for the lay people .
Pope Francis has not created unity among the two communities of the Franciscans of the Immaculate who are no more in the parish.He wants both communities, and the parish of Santa Maria di Nazareth, to offer/attend Holy Mass with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II, to create a New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology,New Evangelisation etc which is dis-unity and schism with the past Magisterium of the Church, over the centuries.
Pope Francis seems like the pope of disunity, he creates disunity within the heart of the Church, as he tries to create unity with Christians of different denominations, based on a false interpretation of Vatican Council II, with the common fake premise,.
We cannot please God and the Left(mammon).
-Lionel Andrades

 JULY 19, 2021

The official interpretation of Vatican Council II is schismatic . We’ve found the bug.It’s a deceptive, subtle false premise which escaped everyone’s notice.It was always there before us like a germ that spreads and brings on an epidemic.The discovery is our vaccination.Those who know - are immune even when schismatic popes suffer from the contagion.

JULY 18, 2021

The official interpretation of Vatican Council II is schismatic

 JULY 21, 2021

Rahner, Ratzinger, Congar,Murray and Cushing in 1965 not only changed the Church's teaching on their being exclusive salvation in the Church by using a false premise, but they also mentioned 'particular churches', in other words the Orthodox Christians and Protestants are canonically within the Catholic Church.Now in the Letter which accompanying Traditionis Custode it is mentioned as if this is the 'true Church' and not a paralled Church with Tradition

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