Monday, August 9, 2021

Fr.Thomas Weinandy’s new book Jesus becoming Jesus is Christocentric and supports the New Ecumenism.Once again he shows us that he interprets Vatican Council II with the common fake premise used by Pope Francis and the USCCB bishops

 Fr.Thomas Weinandy’s new book Jesus becoming Jesus is Christocentric  and supports the New Ecumenism.Once again he shows us  that he interprets Vatican Council II with the common fake premise used by Pope Francis and the USCCB bishops.

Without the irrational premise, there would be no theological basis for the New Ecumenism and his Christology would have to be accompabied with the traditional ecclesiocentrism of the Catholic Church.

Some time back he wrote an article on The Four Marks of the Church without knowing that there is a rational and irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II and so the conclusion of both would be different.

With or without the false premise we create a non traditional  or traditional conclusion.So it could mean that the Four Marks of the Church would be there in a Vatican Council II, with or without the hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition.

Cardinal Walter Kasper  could affirm the Four Marks of the Church ( one, holy, Catholic and apostolic) but for me the Council  can only be interpreted with the rational premise.So there is no break with Tradition.I would affirm a Christocentrism along with traditional ecclesiocentrism and still support the Four Marks of the Church.-Lionel Andrades

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