Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Peter Kwansnewiski's concept of the faith is the same as Pope Francis


from Rorate Caeili

Similarly, the fifteenth-century Council of Constance (1414–1418) “pronounced about the pope as the first person in the Church who is bound by the Faith and who must scrupulously guard the integrity of the Faith”[12]:

Since the Roman Pontiff exercises such great power among mortals, it is right that he be bound all the more by the incontrovertible bonds of the faith and by the rites that are to be observed regarding the Church’s Sacraments.

According to this thirty-ninth session of Constance, the newly elected pope was to make an oath of faith that included this passage:

I, N., elected pope, with both heart and mouth confess and profess to almighty God, whose Church I undertake with his assistance to govern, and to blessed Peter, prince of the apostles, that as long as I am in this fragile life I will firmly believe and hold the Catholic Faith, according to the traditions of the apostles, of the general councils and of other holy fathers . . . and I will preserve this Faith unchanged to the last dot and will confirm, defend, and preach it to the point of death and the shedding of my blood, and likewise I will follow and observe in every way the handed-down rite of the ecclesiastical sacraments of the Catholic Church.[13]-Peter Kwasniewski


bound all the more by the incontrovertible bonds of the faith 

This line could be debated. Since 'the faith' for Pope Francis and Peter Kwasniewski is same but also different from the faith of the past Magisterium.

Pope Francis has cited the interpretation of Vatican Council II for putting restrictions on the Latin Mass. This has not been disputed by Kwasniewski. He interprets Vatican Council II just like Pope Francis, with the irrational premise. The pope considers this interpretation of the Council traditional.

He considers it Magisterial and the work of the Holy Spirit. This is the only interpretation of the Council for him and Kwasniewski.

So the pope could say that he has not prohibited the Sacraments but is only making it available for those who interpret Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition. Even for Kwasniewski the Council is a break with Tradition. This is official and ecclesiastical. 

So for Pope Francis he is not rejecting Tradition, the faith and the sacraments with Traditionis Custode.

Now if Kwasneiwski said that he does not accept Pope Francis's interpretation of Vatican Council II this would be different. He would be saying that the pope's interpretation of the Council is irrational and so also non Magisterial.

But Kwasniewski is not saying this.

I repeat : he does not say that Pope Francis' interpretation is irrational and so  non Magisterial and  it is schismatic and non traditional and so this makes Traditionis Custode disputable.

 So Vatican Council II(irrational), which can also be interpreted rationally, is no theological or doctrinal basis for placing controls on only the Latin Mass. Since Vatican Council II interpreted with the rational premise would not be in conflict with the  past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church and it would be there even at the Novus Ordo Mass.Vatican Council II supporting the past exclusivist ecclesiology would also be there at the Novus Ordo Mass.

Kwasniewski, like the SSPX and the SSPX supporters do not want to interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise and so affirm the Athanasius Creed ( with no exceptions), the Syllabus of Errors with no exceptions and 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus with the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance, not being practical exceptions.He does not want this 'faith'.

He wants to continue to interpret Vatican Council II, irrationally, like Joseph Shaw, since it is politically correct with the Left and he would continue to bow to the powers of this world.

In his Notes Kwasniewski cites  the book of Pope Benedict in which he says that Jews do not need to convert in the present times.

Then he cites Fr. Cekada for whom the baptism of desire refers to visible cases in the present times. He then projects this as a practical exception to Feeneyite EENS. The same as the liberals and the present two popes. This is tradition and the 'faith' for Cekada.

-Lionel Andrades


“The Pope’s Boundenness to Tradition as a Legislative Limit: Replying to Ultramontanist Apologetics”—Full Text of Dr. Kwasniewski’s Denver Lecture


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