Thursday, August 19, 2021

This is what young religious vocations need to know -Vatican Council Ii which is not a break with Catholic Tradition



Young Catholics who have the true faith from their parents, or who have been homeschooled, will not be attracted to a religious community which does not interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise and so does not affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( with no known exceptions), the Athanasius Creed ( with no exceptions), the Great Commission ( with no known exceptions in 2021), the Catechisms of Pope Pius X,24Q,27Q ( with invincble ignorance mentioned in that Catechism not being an exception) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1.CCC 846-outside the Church no salvation which cites Ad Gentes 7( all need faith and baptism for salvation) and LG 16( invincible ignorance) and LG 14( baptism of desire) not being practical exceptions for AG 7).2.CCC 1257.The Necessity of Baptism. All needing the baptism of water for eternal beatitude with ‘though God is not limited to the Sacraments’ being theoretical only and so not a practical exception to all needing the baptism of water for salvation.)

For vocations it is important that Vatican Council II be accepted and interpreted rationally.Then there is no break with Tradition.
Religious formaters could also speak about the Four Last Things ( Death, Judgement, Hell, and Heaven) and the Four Marks of the Church ( one,holy,Catholic and Apostolic ).
Now with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally formaters cannot present the Catholic Church as one,holy, Catholic and Apostolic.Since there is a rupture with the past.
Pope Francis and Pope Benedict’s irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II is not Magisterial.There is the hermenutic of rupture with Tradition. This badly influences vocations.With Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise, they say that the Catholic Church is ‘a priveleged way of salvation’, one of many other ways,found in other religions.
However without the false premise, the popes would be saying, all need faith and baptism for salvation(Ad Gentes 7,Vatican Council II) and there are no practical exceptions to AG 7 in LG 8,LG 16,UR 3,NA 2,GS 22 etc.The Council is dogmatic and affirms traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, the Athanasius Creed etc.This is what young religious vocations need to know, Vatican Council II which is not a break with Catholic Tradition.
-Lionel Andrades

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