Friday, August 6, 2021

When Archbishop Augustine di Noia interprets Vatican Council II with the common false premise it is not Magisterial. The Holy Spirit cannot confuse hypothetical cases as being objective and visible in the present times (2021) and then reject Tradition, exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, the Creeds, Catechisms,EENS etc. This is a type of official apostasy.


Vatican archbishop: Traditional Latin Mass movement ‘hijacked’ initiatives of John Paul II and Benedict XVI

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis’ letter 

explaining why he was restricting the use of the 

pre-Vatican II Mass “fearlessly hits the nail on

 the head: the TLM (Traditional Latin Mass) 

movement has hijacked the initiatives of St. 

John Paul II and Benedict XVI to its own 

ends,” said Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia,

 who insisted he was speaking as a theologian

 and not as a Vatican official.

Lionel: As a theologian he was interpreting Vatican Council II with the irrational premise and not the rational premise.

He also interpreted the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 847-848 invincible ignorance) with the false premise in his communication with Brother Andre Marie MICM. This was breaking unity with the past Magisterium of the Church and re-intepreting Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church with a fake premise to create a fake rupture with Tradition (Athanasius Creed).


The archbishop, a Dominican, had served as secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, was deeply involved in the Vatican’s dialogue with the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X and currently is adjunct secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Lionel: He wanted the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and non traditional conclusion to receive canonical status. They correctly refused to do so. The interpretation of Vatican Council II by this Dominican Archbishop is irrational, heretical and schismatic. There is no unity with the Deposit of the Faith.His interpretation of the Council is poltical. His priority is the political Left.


When St. John Paul and Pope Benedict expanded the possibility of using the pre-Vatican II Mass, they were hoping to promote unity in the church and to counter abuses that were widespread in the celebration of the post-Vatican II Mass, the archbishop said in an email to Catholic News Service July 20.

Lionel : Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict were also politically correct with the Left and were using the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II to create a rupture with Tradition.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith made an objective error when they approved the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston. They interpreted unknown cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance as being known and objective exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. Then the same mistake was repeated at Vatican Council II. Pope Paul VI and the CDF could have interpreted LG 8, LG 14,LG 16 etc with the rational premise and the Council would not  be a rupture with Tradition( EENS, Athanasius Creed).

Instead Archbishop Augustine di Noia, did not allow Brother Andre Marie MICM and the community Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, New Hampshire to make an Oath with the use of the Athanasius Creed which states all need Catholic faith for salvation. For the Dominican, all do not Catholic faith for salvation  there are objective exceptions of the baptism of desire etc.


While the liberal permission to use the older Mass has not promoted the hoped-for healing of the rift with members of the Society of St. Pius X, established by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the archbishop said, “what we have got now is a movement within the church herself, seemingly endorsed by her leaders, that sows division by undermining the reforms of the Second Vatican Council through the rejection of the most important of them: the reform of the Roman Rite.”

Lionel : They are correctly going back to Tradition without Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally.

They could also go back to the same Tradition along with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally.Then they could ask Pope Francis and Archbishop Di Noia to the same for unity and honesty.


Archbishop Di Noia urged Catholics—both those upset by Pope Francis’ decision and those gleefully applauding it—to reread Pope Benedict’s 2007 document, “Summorum Pontificum,” which gave broad permission to use the pre-Vatican II Roman liturgy.

Pope Francis withdrew most of those permissions July 16 with his document, “Traditionis Custodes,” and likely either consulted with or at least gave advance copies of the document to retired Pope Benedict.

Lionel: Summorum Pontificum, it was understood, permitted the Latin Mass but with the interpretation of Vatican Council II only with the false premise, to create a hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition, approved by Pope Benedict.


Since St. John Paul allowed some use of the older liturgy and, especially since “Summorum Pontificum,” Archbishop Di Noia said, “the thing has gotten totally out of control and become a movement, especially in the U.S., France and England—a movement that aggressively promotes the Traditional Latin Mass among young people and others as if this ‘extraordinary form’ were the true liturgy for the true church...”

Lionel : The priests and people offering/attending the Latin Mass like the Novus Ordo Mass without Vatican Council II, interpreted with the false premise can very easily go back to Tradition. The ecclesiology does not depend upon the liturgy.


The liturgical reform movement “was recognized at Vatican II as the work of the Holy Spirit and became the basis for a massive overhaul of the liturgical life of the church,” he said. “Pope Francis is right to see in the repristination of the pre-conciliar liturgy at best a form of nostalgic dalliance with the old liturgy and at worst a perverse resistance to the renewal inspired by the Holy Spirit and solemnly confirmed in the teaching of an ecumenical council.”

Lionel: Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise is not Magisterial. The Holy Spirit cannot confuse hypothetical cases as being objectively visible in the present times (2021) and then reject Tradition, exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, the Creeds and Catechisms,EENS etc. This is a type of official apostasy..-Lionel Andrades

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