Thursday, August 12, 2021

When the newspapers refer to 'the liberal reforms of Vatican Council II ’ they need to clarify that they refer to Vatican Council II interpreted with a fake premise. There is also a Vatican Council II interpreted with the rational premise.With the rational premise the Council supports Tradition. There is no new theology, new ecumenism , new ecclesiology etc.

 When the newspapers refer to 'the liberal reforms of Vatican Council II ’ they need  to clarify that they refer to Vatican Council II interpreted with a fake premise. There is also a Vatican Council II interpreted with the rational premise.With the rational premise the Council supports Tradition. There is no new theology, new ecumenism , new ecclesiology etc.

Vatican Council II was reported unethically and dishonestly in so many newspapers all over the world when reporting on Traditionis Custode.No one has issued a clarification or correction.

The  contributors to the new book Are Canonisations Infallible ? do not correct the public mistake on Vatican Council II. They repeat it in their articles and books.The writers themselves use the false premise to create the false interpretation of Vatican Council II.  Phillip Campbell, Fr. Thomas Crean, O.P., Roberto de Mattei, William Matthew Diem, Christopher Ferrara, Msgr. Brunero Gherardini, Fr. John Hunwicke, Peter A. Kwasniewski, John R.T. Lamont, Joseph Shaw, Fr. Jean-François Thomas, S.J. and  José Antonio Ureta, interpret Vatican Council II with the objective error, like the popes from Paul VI to Francis. They are part of the problem. -Lionel Andrades

AUGUST 12, 2021

Why must traditionalists follow these fallible popes and traditionalist writers on Vatican Council II ?


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