Thursday, August 12, 2021

Why should the traditionalists interpret Vatican Council II like the Lefebvrists and not like me ? If they interpret Vatican Council II like I do, they can still follow the same Tradition but without rejecting the Council.


Why should the traditionalists interpret Vatican Council II like the Lefebvrists and not like me ? If they interpret Vatican Council II like I do, they can still follow the  same Tradition but without rejecting the Council.

But with a rational interpretation of Vatican Council II it would mean having to reject the New Ecumenism, New Theology, New Ecclesiology etc. Since with Vatican Council II interpreted rationally there is no known salvation outside the Catholic Church. The New Ecumenism, for example, assumes that Unitatius Redintigratio 3 refers to known,visible, seen in the flesh non Christians  saved outside the Church and so are exceptions for EENS.

With Vatican Council II interpreted rationally, UR 3 is seen as only a hypothetical case in 1965-2021. So hypothetical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2 etc do not contradict  the past ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.


So the ‘Latin laity’ in Dijone, France can still go for the Latin Mass, now offered by the diocesan priests , but interpret Vatican Council  according to Lionel Andrades and not Bishop Roland Minnerath. Thne there cannot be ‘ a theology of religions’ according to Vatican Council II. They can affirm traditional Catholic Mission based upon the strict interpretation of EENS which is not contradicted by Vatican Council II.So there is no theological break with the Catholic Church over the centuries. Vatican Council II is dogmatic on extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the Syllabus of Errors and supports Tradition.

We now do not have to accept Vatican Council II like Archbishop Lefebvre and Pope Paul VI. Choose to interpret Vatican Council II like Lionel Andrades and then the Council is no more a hurdle for traditionalist and conservative Catholics.-Lionel Andrades

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