Thursday, September 9, 2021

Did FSSP and ICKSP cave in to Francis? Latin Mass Orders respond to Pope's restriction on TLM


I want the Ecclesia Dei communities to know that they can interpret Vatican Council II with a rational or irrational premise and the conclusion will be different. It will be traditional or non traditional. This hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition does not depend upon Pope Francis or the CDF. The issue is the rational premise

 Comments from the blog Vox Cantoris, 

Blogger Catholic Mission said...

ose guadalupe rodriguez said...
Clearly submission to the holy father,to the supreme pontiff, to pope francis, to the bergoglian magisterium, to lumen gentium #25, to the vatican II.

No. With the false premise there is no submission to Pope Francis, Vatican Council II ( with the irrational premise) etc.
This is the point of my comments here on this thread.
I want the Ecclesia Dei communities to know that they can interpret Vatican Council II with a rational or irrational premise and the conclusion will be different. It will be traditional or non traditional. This hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition does not depend upon Pope Francis or the CDF.
The issue is the rational premise.

Anonymous said...
Vatican II is a counterfeit church headed by an imposter. It is not the church of Christ. Fake and corrupted. The blind leading the blind. It includes delusional FSSP and SSPX priests, - many of them are honest (but delusional), and will wake up shortly. Vatican II religion serves the NWO agenda. There are no negotiations with Judases. All faithful will go underground soon to celebrate TLM. Some already started new covenants and monasteries. After a while, Holy Ghost will gather these souls and renew Catholic Church, the true church of Christ.

Vatican Council II can be interpreted in harmony with the past exclusivist ecclesiology, the Syllabus of Errors and EENS.The Council then is traditional and it is not just pastoral. It does not contradict EENS, the Athanasius Creed etc and so it is dogmatic.
Without the false premise and with the rational premise the Council is dogmatic.
The message again is -use the rational premise to interpret Vatican Council II and also other Magisterial documents and you return to Tradition without having to reject the Council.
This is not because I say so but because this happens every time you use the rational premise. You can see it for yourself. This is independent of me.-Lionel Andrades

8:27 am, September 08, 2021

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
They sound like terrified beggars who expect to be squashed.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What a fawning, sickening statement they came up with. Absolutely useless. If that's all the response they have then they are done for, Bergoglio and his ilk will devour their institutes just like the Franciscans of the Immaculate.

They are on the defensive since they do not know about Vatican Council II interpreted with a rational premise.
It is Pope Francis and Pope Benedict who are in schism and heresy with their irrational interpretation of the Council. This error has to be exposed by the Ecclesia Dei communities.
Why should Catholics interpret the Council with the irrational premise and create a rupture with Tradition ? There is a choice.
Why should the Ecclesia Dei communities continue to interpret the Council with an irrational premise , which produces a schismatic result, and then continue to be obedient ?

They must tell the present two popes to interpret the Council with the rational premise and then support Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics, based upon the strict interpretation of EENS, supported by Vatican Council II ( rational).

They must tell the two popes to affirm the traditional ecumenism of return to the Catholic Church for all Christians, since Unitatatis Redintigratio 3 does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

They must demand that Pope Francis and Pope Benedict return to the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church since there is nothing in the entire text of Lumen Gentium to contradict the past ecclesiocentrism of the Catholic Church.

They do not have to be fawning. Theology and doctrine is on their side. -Lionel Andrades

8:35 am, September 08, 2021

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Paul Dale said...

We owe our allegiance to the pope, but which pope Hammer? Simples: to the one who is reigning. But both call themselves popes - one emeritus, the other Bishop of Rome - so who do we follow? It is very straight forward because it is evident that Pope Benedict XVI did not resign the See of Peter. Very evident. It is all in canon law. I will not try to go through this now but advise you to go to where a very knowledgeable and expert latinist has laid it all out.

On this thread I have been trying to show how important it is to interpret Church Documents with a rational and not irrational premise.
Both Pope Francis and Pope Benedict are using the same New Theology created with a false premise, inference and non traditional conclusion. So they are schismatically in a break with the past Magisterium.
Similarly From is also interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise.
This is something evident. Don't take my word for it. You can consciously interpret the Council with a false or rational premise and the conclusion will be different. You can see it for yourself.
The sedevacantists Most Holy Family Monastery and the Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae use the false premise to interpret the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance to create a break with 16th century EENS.Neither can the two say in public that the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance are not literal cases. I have been asking them this for a few years now.
If they say that the baptism of desire etc are not literal cases in 2021 then they would have to say that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2,GS 22 etc are also not literal cases and so are not a break with Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus etc).
This means they were wrong all these years and Vatican Council II is no reason to go into sedevacantism.So they simply block me, end the discussion or do not answer.
This is also the issue with the Ecclesia Dei communities.
-Lionel Andrades




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