Sunday, September 5, 2021

If Pope Paul VI did not use the fake premise then the Council would be traditional. So religious liberty, collegiality, inter religious dialogue and ecumenism would not have become an issue.They need no more be an issue today for the traditionalists, when they interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise.This is a discovery after some 50 years.

If Pope Paul VI did not use the fake premise  then the Council would be traditional. So religious liberty, collegiality, inter religious dialogue and ecumenism would not have become an issue.They need no more be an issue today for the traditionalists, when they interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise.This is a discovery after some 50 years.

If Pope Paul VI had interpreted the Council rationally in 1965, or later, then with traditional Vatican Council II, Fr. John Courtney Murray sj, would be helpless.There would be no room for liberalism.The liberalism does not come from his theories on religious liberty but because there is alleged salvation outside the Church.

When Vatican Council II supports the strict interpretation of  extra ecclesiam nulla salus,then ecumenism, inter religious dialogue  and lack of mission with new mission doctrines  are no more an issue.There is no break with Tradition.

When the popes and cardinals have to affirm the past exclusivist salvation in the Catholic Church, then collegiality is no more a problem.Either way they are affirming Tradition. We can also then re-interpret the Council, in harmony with traditional concepts of the Social Reign of Christ the King and the non separation of Church and State. So when there is a Catholic State religious liberty would not be a political problem for them.Since the Council would support 16th century EENS with no known salvation outside the Church.

If Pope Paul VI had interpreted the Council rationally in 1965, or later, then with traditional Vatican Council II, Fr. John Courtney Murray sj, could not change Church teaching. There would be no fake premise and New Theology.There would be no ‘known salvation' outside the Catholic Church.The past ecclesiocentrism, would no more be obsolete.There would be no theology to support changes in the traditional teaching on religious liberty.

The ecclesiology of the Church would be the same even at the new Mass of Pope Paul VI.

Now Pope Francis issues encyclicals in which Vatican Council II is interpreted irrationally and schismatically, unlike my rational interpretation with the rational premise.His error comes from the mistake of Pope Paul VI.So his interpretation of the Council is not Magisterial when he uses the false and not rational premise.Catholic are not obliged to interpret the Council with the papal error. -Lionel Andrades

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