Friday, September 17, 2021

The Lega candidates in the Mayoral Council elections for next month in Rome must ask for an end to the Leftist coercion and domination, especially of Catholic theology.


The Lega candidates in the Mayoral Council elections for next month in Rome must ask for an end  to the Leftist  coercion and domination, especially of  Catholic theology.

1.They must appeal to Pope Benedict  to acknowledge that all his books on Vatican Council II, Ecclesiology etc, were written with a false premise. So the conclusion was non traditional. This is unethical. This is an objective error which can be verified by anyone.

2.They must also ask Pope Francis to acknowledge that all the encyclicals  and the recent Traditionis Custode were written with Vatican Council II interpreted with the same fake premise.So there now is a fake rupture  with the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church.Without this ruse the Church would be in harmony with the centre right, conservative political parties of Italy.So the two popes are dishonest. Without the false premise they would emerge conservative.They would be welcomed by Le Pen and Salvini and not Macron and Matterella.

3.Prof. Alberto Melloni of the Bologna School interprets Vatican Council II with a fake premise to create a false break with the traditional ecumenism of return and the teaching on there being no salvation outside the Church, now supported by Vatican Council II.Melloni is supported by Pope Francis and President Sergio Matterella.The Italian gives him over a million euros a year.The Lega should object in the Parliament.

4.The Pontifical universities Regina Apostolorum and John Lateran, Rome teach Ratzinger Studies  based upon Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally and politically.This produces a rupture with the historical Church in Rome.It is an political lie being taught to Catholic seminarians and students.All Catholic students at the pontifical universities have to go through this lie.

5.The Lega candidates  could appeal to Pope Francis to interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise ( the blue left hand column) and affirm the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), the Athanasius Creed which says all need Catholic faith for salvation and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX  which says Christians from other denomnations must enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.Pope Francis must not discard these doctrines and Documents of the Church, by citing Vatican Council II interpreted with the right hand side column.This is bad politics.Without this error Pope Francis can proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics.Since, outside the Church there is no salvation ( Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II).The Council supports the past ecclesiocentrism of the Catholic Church, when it is interpreted with a rational premise.LG 8,LG 14, LG 16 etc are not practical exceptions to EENS and the Athanasius Creed.

Pope Francis ‘ is in schism when he uses the false premise to re-interpret Vatican Council II(LG 14).He creates division with the past Magisterium.His interpretation of Lumen Gentium 14 ( baptism of desire ) is different from that of Bishop Athanasius Schneider and  Dr. Taylor Marshall in a recent interview.It is different from the interpretation of Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson and Fr. Stefano Visintin osb, the former Italian Vice Rector and Dean of Theology at the University of St. Anselm, Rome.

They do not use the false premise but the Vatican does and so justifies the Abu Dhabi Statement, paganism at the Amazon Synod and the Eucharist being given to the divorced and re-married and Catholics living with non Christians.

The Lega candidates could issue a joint statement asking Rome to come back to the Catholic Faith. There is a concrete and specific step which Catholics and the Vatican could follow.

Step 1. The Church must avoid interpreing Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms  with a fake premise ( red right hand column). Instead they must interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise ( the blue left hand side column). There then is a continuity with the Church of St. Francis of Assisi. Jesus in the Catholic Church will once again be the centre of all politics in Italy.

The liberalism in the Church comes from the use of the false premise and so the Church does not oppose Satanic political parties in Rome. They support homosexual unions, abortion, contraception, public immodesty, pornography in the official media and pontifical heresy and schism in the Catholic Church, taking people to the fires of Hell.The fake premise has to be avoided.Presently the Society of St. Pius X at Albano, Rome are not being granted canonical status by Pope Francis since he wants then to accept Vatican Council II with the false premise. This is an injustice.-Lionel Andrades

SEPTEMBER 16, 2021

Once the Specific Error in Vatican Council II is identified and avoided all the Militia Christi political candidates endorsed would automatically be affirming the strict interpretation of EENS : Lega-Salvini candidates supported

SEPTEMBER 15, 2021

Please, Simona do something

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