Wednesday, September 29, 2021

This is not the Catholic faith. There is no denial from Sister Helen Burns op and Sr. Catherine Droste op at the Aneglicum University, Rome. They will not even talk about it since they know they are guilty and have to follow through with the error, to remain at their teaching post


The books on Vatican Council II reviewed and studied a t the ponticfical universities in Rome for the 2021-2022 academic year are all written with a fake premise. The faculty and students interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA2, GS 22 etc as referring to physically visible and not invisible cases in 1965-2021. So they are projected as practical exceptions  to the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church, when they are not really exceptions.This is a political interpretation of Vatican Council II.It is unethical and students are given scholarships and grants from different organisations and governments, when they use the fake premise.

The universities have courses and semesters on ethics but do not see their interpretation of Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents as being unethical.

At Dominican Angelicum University in Rome, the priests interpret the Creeds and Catechisms  with a false premise and then offer Holy Mass at the university chapel, in English or Italian.

They even re-interpret St. Thomas Aquinas with the error of observation, the confusion between what is invisible and visible.

The Dominican saint mentioned the man in invincible ignorance in the forest  who was to be saved and to whom God would send a preacher who would teach him the faith and baptise him with water.

But for the Dominicans at Oxford University, U.K and the Angelicum, Rome, thre are known people saved in invincible ignorance, to whom God has not sent a preacher. They are saved in their religion.They are all saved without the baptism of water and instead with the ‘seeds of the Word’(AG 11), ‘elements of sanctification and truth’(LG 8) in other religions etc.

These are objective cases for the faculty at the Angelicum and so they become objective exceptions  to the exclusive interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Dominicans over the centuries.The faculty teach that this error is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Fr. Francesco Giordano offers a semester based up this error at the Angelicum.

While at the Urbania University this error is taught by Sandra Mazzolini. She also only approves students for the Doctoral program who reject the exclusivist interpretation of EENS which was the motivation for mission over the centuries.

They are adapting St.Thomas Aqunas and the strict interpretation of EENS to the political demands of the present times.

 This is not the Catholic faith.

 There is no denial from Sister Helen Burns op and Sr. Catherine Droste op. They will not even talk about it since they know they are guilty and have to follow through with the error, to remain at their teaching post.-Lionel Andrades

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